<div dir="ltr">Hi All,<br> <br>I have a problem regarding the handling the Ensembles in Grads. <br>I have 10 data files like (pos01.dat, pos02.dat, pos03.dat,.., pos10.dat) with same time, X, Y and Z and T definations. When i try to view this. It is giving me the following error. Seems everything ok, but i dnt know why it is giving this error. <br>
<br>"ga-> open eprcp.ctl<br>Scanning description file: eprcp.ctl<br>Data file pos%e.dat is open as file 1<br>LON set to 0 360 <br>LAT set to -87.159 87.159 <br>LEV set to 925 925 <br>Time values set: 1871:1:1:0 1871:1:1:0 <br>
E set to 1 1 <br>ga-> q file<br>File 1 : Ensembles handeling<br> Descriptor: eprcp.ctl<br> Binary: pos%e.dat<br> Type = Gridded<br> Xsize = 96 Ysize = 48 Zsize = 1 Tsize = 139 Esize = 10<br> Number of Variables = 1<br>
tpr 0 99 Total Precp [mm/day]<br>ga-> q ens<br>Ensemble 1 named pos01 has 139 timesteps and begins at 00Z01JAN1871 (t=1) <br>Ensemble 2 named pos02 has 139 timesteps and begins at 00Z01JAN1871 (t=1) <br>
Ensemble 3 named pos03 has 139 timesteps and begins at 00Z01JAN1871 (t=1) <br>Ensemble 4 named pos04 has 139 timesteps and begins at 00Z01JAN1871 (t=1) <br>Ensemble 5 named pos05 has 139 timesteps and begins at 00Z01JAN1871 (t=1) <br>
Ensemble 6 named pos06 has 139 timesteps and begins at 00Z01JAN1871 (t=1) <br>Ensemble 7 named pos07 has 139 timesteps and begins at 00Z01JAN1871 (t=1) <br>Ensemble 8 named pos08 has 139 timesteps and begins at 00Z01JAN1871 (t=1) <br>
Ensemble 9 named pos09 has 139 timesteps and begins at 00Z01JAN1871 (t=1) <br>Ensemble 10 named pos10 has 139 timesteps and begins at 00Z01JAN1871 (t=1) <br>ga-> set e 5 <br>E set to 5 5 <br>ga-> d tpr<br><font size="4">Cannot contour grid - all undefined values</font> "<br>
<br><font size="4"><font size="2"><br>Advance thanks for any suggestion/help.<br> <br>Regards:<br> </font></font><font size="2"><br></font>-- <br>Muhammad Azhar Ehsan<br>M.Sc. Student<br><br>Department of Meteorology<br>
King Abdulaziz University<br>P. O. Box 80234<br>Jeddah 21589<br>Saudi Arabia<br><br>Email: <a href="mailto:azhar.ehsan82@gmail.com">azhar.ehsan82@gmail.com</a><br>Mobile: (+966) 55 1276318<br>