<div>Dear Users, </div>
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<div>Does anyone know how to calculate the correlation coefficient in GrADS? Namely, I have two variables (meridional and zonal wind speeds) and they both are the functions of time and spice. I'm using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data from jan1949 to nov2010. I need a (spatial) map of correlation coefficients for that period. </div>
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<div>I've explored the functions tcorr and scorr, but none of them is suitable for that. The tcorr function requires that the first variable is only a function of time, which is not in my case. </div>
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<div>Any comment is valuable for me. </div>
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<div>Thanks in advance. </div>
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<div>Regards, </div>
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<div>Djordje </div>
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