I wish to concatenate several separate sets of WRF output in which only the PBL scheme is changed into an ensemble. I edited a control file accordingly, and made sure to place all binary files in the same directory. However, when I open the control file and attempt to display any variables (whether the e dimension is varying or not), I get the "cannot contour grid - all undefined values" error. What am I doing wrong?<br>
<br>Here is the cltinfo:<br><br>dset summer_%e_%y4-%m2-%d2_%h2:%n2.dat<br>title OUTPUT FROM WRF V3.1.1 MODEL<br>undef 1e+30<br>xdef 1021 linear -150.3 0.103811<br>ydef 489 linear 12.4 0.103811<br>zdef 26 linear 1 1<br>tdef 61 linear 00Z14JUL2010 60mn<br>
edef 7 <br>ysu 61 00Z14JUL2010<br>myj 61 00Z14JUL2010<br>qnse 61 00Z14JUL2010<br>mynn25 61 00Z14JUL2010<br>mynn3 61 00Z14JUL2010<br>pleim 61 00Z14JUL2010<br>boulac 61 00Z14JUL2010<br>endedef<br>vars 20<br>u 26 0 x-wind component (m s-1)<br>
v 26 0 y-wind component (m s-1)<br>w 26 0 z-wind component (m s-1)<br>ww 26 0 omega (Pa s-1)<br>ph 26 0 perturbation geopotential (m2 s-2)<br>phb 26 0 base-state geopotential (m2 s-2)<br>p 26 0 perturbation pressure (Pa)<br>
pb 26 0 BASE STATE PRESSURE (Pa)<br>q2 1 0 QV at 2 M (kg kg-1)<br>t2 1 0 TEMP at 2 M (K)<br>psfc 1 0 SFC PRESSURE (Pa)<br>u10 1 0 U at 10 M (m s-1)<br>v10 1 0 V at 10 M (m s-1)<br>qvapor 26 0 Water vapor mixing ratio (kg kg-1)<br>
hgt 1 0 Terrain Height (m)<br>rainc 1 0 ACCUMULATED TOTAL CUMULUS PRECIPITATION (mm)<br>rainnc 1 0 ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE PRECIPITATION (mm)<br>pblh 1 0 PBL HEIGHT (m)<br>tc 26 0 Temperature (C)<br>slp 1 0 Sea Levelp Pressure (hPa)<br>
endvars<br><br>Jeff Duda<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Jeff Duda<br>Iowa State University<br>Meteorology Graduate Student<br>3134 Agronomy Hall<br><a href="http://www.meteor.iastate.edu/~jdduda">www.meteor.iastate.edu/~jdduda</a><br>