<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">hi all:<br><span id="result_box" class="long_text short_text"><span style="" title="">please, I have problem to view a netcdf file (grads Version 2.0.a8)<br><br>ga-> open cam.hum.ctl<br>Scanning description file: cam.hum.ctl<br>Data file camrun.cam2.h0.1963-11-12-00000.nc is open as file 1<br>LON set to 0 360 <br>LAT set to -90 90 <br>LEV set to 3.54464 3.54464 <br>Time values set: 1963:11:1:0 1963:11:1:0 <br>E set to 1 1 <br>ga-> q file<br>File 1 : Tijuana test CAM 1<br> Descriptor: cam.hum.ctl<br> Binary: camrun.cam2.h0.1963-11-12-00000.nc<br> Type = Gridded<br> Xsize = 144 Ysize = 91 Zsize = 26 Tsize = 4 Esize = 1<br> Number of Variables = 3<br> relhum 26 t,y,x Humedad.<br> temp 26 t,y,x
Temperatura<br> ps 26 t,y,x Geopotencial<br>ga-> d ps<br>Warning: Could not retrieve "_FillValue" -- using 1e+36 instead<br>Warning: Could not retrieve scale factor -- setting to 1.0<br>Warning: Could not retrieve add offset -- setting to 0.0<br>gancgrid error: nc_get_vara_double failed; NetCDF: Index exceeds dimension bound<br>Data Request Error: Error for variable 'ps'<br> Error ocurred at column 1<br>DISPLAY error: Invalid expression <br> Expression = ps<br>ga-> <br><br><br></span></span><span id="result_box" class="long_text short_text"><span style="" title="">I send the netcdf ncdump output file</span></span>.<br><br>Thanks<br><span id="result_box" class="long_text short_text"><span style="" title=""><br><br><br><br><br></span></span></td></tr></table><br>