{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 netcdf aerosol.climatology \{\par dimensions:\par lon = 96 ;\par lat = 80 ;\par lonb = 97 ;\par latb = 81 ;\par sigma_full = 14 ;\par sigma_half = 15 ;\par time = UNLIMITED ; // (192 currently)\par variables:\par float lon(lon) ;\par lon:edges = "lonb" ;\par lon:cartesian_axis = "X" ;\par lon:units = "degrees_E" ;\par lon:long_name = "longitude" ;\par float lonb(lonb) ;\par lonb:cartesian_axis = "X" ;\par lonb:units = "degrees_E" ;\par lonb:long_name = "longitude edges" ;\par float lat(lat) ;\par lat:edges = "latb" ;\par lat:cartesian_axis = "Y" ;\par lat:units = "degrees_N" ;\par lat:long_name = "latitude" ;\par float latb(latb) ;\par latb:cartesian_axis = "Y" ;\par latb:units = "degrees_N" ;\par latb:long_name = "latitude edges" ;\par latb:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par float sigma_full(sigma_full) ;\par sigma_full:positive = "down" ;\par sigma_full:cartesian_axis = "Z" ;\par sigma_full:units = "sigma_level" ;\par sigma_full:long_name = "full sigma level" ;\par float sigma_half(sigma_half) ;\par sigma_half:positive = "down" ;\par sigma_half:cartesian_axis = "Z" ;\par sigma_half:units = "sigma_level" ;\par sigma_half:long_name = "half sigma level" ;\par double time(time) ;\par time:climatology = "1979-01-01 00:00:00, 1998-01-01 00:00:00" ;\par time:cartesian_axis = "T" ;\par time:units = "days since 1800-01-01 00:00:00" ;\par time:long_name = "time" ;\par time:_FillValue = -9999. ;\par time:calendar = "julian" ;\par float so4_anthro(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par so4_anthro:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par so4_anthro:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par so4_anthro:long_name = "Anthropogenic Sulfate" ;\par float so4_natural(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par so4_natural:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par so4_natural:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par so4_natural:long_name = "Natural Sulfate" ;\par float organic_carbon(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par organic_carbon:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par organic_carbon:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par organic_carbon:long_name = "Organic Carbon" ;\par float black_carbon(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par black_carbon:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par black_carbon:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par black_carbon:long_name = "Black Carbon" ;\par float sea_salt(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par sea_salt:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par sea_salt:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par sea_salt:long_name = "Sea Salt" ;\par float anthro_dust_0.1(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par anthro_dust_0.1:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par anthro_dust_0.1:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par anthro_dust_0.1:long_name = "Anthropogenic Dust 0.1micron" ;\par float anthro_dust_0.2(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par anthro_dust_0.2:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par anthro_dust_0.2:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par anthro_dust_0.2:long_name = "Anthropogenic Dust 0.2micron" ;\par float anthro_dust_0.4(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par anthro_dust_0.4:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par anthro_dust_0.4:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par anthro_dust_0.4:long_name = "Anthropogenic Dust 0.4micron" ;\par float anthro_dust_0.8(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par anthro_dust_0.8:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par anthro_dust_0.8:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par anthro_dust_0.8:long_name = "Anthropogenic Dust 0.8micron" ;\par float anthro_dust_1.0(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par anthro_dust_1.0:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par anthro_dust_1.0:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par anthro_dust_1.0:long_name = "Anthropogenic Dust 1.0micron" ;\par float anthro_dust_2.0(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par anthro_dust_2.0:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par anthro_dust_2.0:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par anthro_dust_2.0:long_name = "Anthropogenic Dust 2.0micron" ;\par float anthro_dust_4.0(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par anthro_dust_4.0:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par anthro_dust_4.0:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par anthro_dust_4.0:long_name = "Anthropogenic Dust 4.0micron" ;\par float anthro_dust_8.0(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par anthro_dust_8.0:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par anthro_dust_8.0:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par anthro_dust_8.0:long_name = "Anthropogenic Dust 8.0micron" ;\par float natural_dust_0.1(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par natural_dust_0.1:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par natural_dust_0.1:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par natural_dust_0.1:long_name = "Natural Dust 0.1micron" ;\par float natural_dust_0.2(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par natural_dust_0.2:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par natural_dust_0.2:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par natural_dust_0.2:long_name = "Natural Dust 0.2micron" ;\par float natural_dust_0.4(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par natural_dust_0.4:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par natural_dust_0.4:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par natural_dust_0.4:long_name = "Natural Dust 0.4micron" ;\par float natural_dust_0.8(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par natural_dust_0.8:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par natural_dust_0.8:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par natural_dust_0.8:long_name = "Natural Dust 0.8micron" ;\par float natural_dust_1.0(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par natural_dust_1.0:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par natural_dust_1.0:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par natural_dust_1.0:long_name = "Natural Dust 1.0micron" ;\par float natural_dust_2.0(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par natural_dust_2.0:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par natural_dust_2.0:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par natural_dust_2.0:long_name = "Natural Dust 2.0micron" ;\par float natural_dust_4.0(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par natural_dust_4.0:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par natural_dust_4.0:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par natural_dust_4.0:long_name = "Natural Dust 4.0micron" ;\par float natural_dust_8.0(time, sigma_full, lat, lon) ;\par natural_dust_8.0:_FillValue = -999.f ;\par natural_dust_8.0:units = "kg/m^2" ;\par natural_dust_8.0:long_name = "Natural Dust 8.0micron" ;\par \par // global attributes:\par :title = "Monthly mean aerosol distributions for use in FMS AM models" ;\par :authors = "Stuart Freidenreich (smf@gfdl.noaa.gov): Compilation of data; \\n",\par "Larry Horowitz (lwh@gfdl.noaa.gov): Conversion to NetCDF" ;\par :institution = "GFDL/NOAA" ;\par :history = "Thu Apr 15 12:23:04 2004: ncks -v time -A /net/lwh/fms/aerosol/time_aerosol_1859_2000.nc aerosol.climatology.1859_2000.nc\\n",\par "Tue Apr 13 10:31:07 2004: ncks -v time -A /net/lwh/fms/aerosol/time_aerosol_1859_2000.nc aerosol.climatology.1859_2000.nc\\n",\par "Tue Apr 13 10:28:57 2004: ncrcat -O aerosol.climatology.1860.nc aerosol.climatology.1860.nc aerosol.climatology.1870.nc aerosol.climatology.1880.nc aerosol.climatology.1890.nc aerosol.climatology.1900.nc aerosol.climatology.1910.nc aerosol.climatology.1920.nc aerosol.climatology.1930.nc aerosol.climatology.1940.nc aerosol.climatology.1950.nc aerosol.climatology.1960.nc aerosol.climatology.1970.nc aerosol.climatology.1980.nc aerosol.climatology.1990.nc aerosol.climatology.2000.nc aerosol.climatology.1859_2000.nc\\n",\par "created Thu Dec 19 13:55:31 EST 2002\\n",\par "Mineral dust bug corrected 11/2002\\n",\par "Replaced sulfate, BC, OC, mineral dust with MOZART fields: Wed Feb 11 19:23:09 EST 2004\\n",\par "(Sulfate, BC, OC from mozart2_v2.442_BCSULF_1860; SOA from Xuexi Tie (NCAR); Dust from mozart2_v2.42_DUST5_newsrc21z)" ;\par \}\par }