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<p>Dear GrADS users,</p>
<p>Objective: I want to compare modeled with observed precipitation for one year. Modeled data is in grid format, observed data is in station format. Both data sets contain daily values. I want to compare monthly accumulated precipitation. And I want to do this comparison only for the locations of my station data. I want to visualize the comparison in a scatter plot with one axis being modeled and the other being observed monthly accumulated precipitation.</p>
<p>Problem: I've tried different strategies to obtain my objective, but so far I keep running into problems. Example: Extract monthly accumulated precipitation values for grid files and station files and make a scatterplot in excel. Problem: In case of the station data file there is no function (as for grid files) which sums up values (to convert daily to monthly).</p>
<p>Question: What is the most efficient strategy to obtain my objective? I don't need the full set of commands, just a bright idea. Thanks!</p>
<p>Kind regards,</p>