Hi<br>I am trying to find vertical integral in GrADS using "vint" command. For that purpose i opened vwnd and specific humidity file as first and second respectively. The q file command for both the variable are as<br>
<br clear="all">ga-> q file<br>File 1 : mean daily NMC reanalysis (2008)<br> Descriptor: /home/Sushant/Desktop/<a href="http://10may08v.nc">10may08v.nc</a><br> Binary: /home/Sushant/Desktop/<a href="http://10may08v.nc">10may08v.nc</a><br>
Type = Gridded<br> Xsize = 29 Ysize = 25 Zsize = 8 Tsize = 1<br> Number of Variables = 1<br> vwnd 8 -999 mean Daily V wind<br><br>ga-> q file 2<br>File 2 : mean daily NMC reanalysis (2008)<br> Descriptor: /home/Sushant/Desktop/<a href="http://10may08q.nc">10may08q.nc</a><br>
Binary: /home/Sushant/Desktop/<a href="http://10may08q.nc">10may08q.nc</a><br> Type = Gridded<br> Xsize = 29 Ysize = 25 Zsize = 8 Tsize = 1<br> Number of Variables = 1<br> shum 8 -999 mean Daily specific humidity<br>
<br>after this i used <br><br>ga-> d vint(1000,vwnd*shum.2,400)<br>gxstart=0, gxstop=29, gystart=0, gystop=25.<br>gzstart=0, gzstop=1, gtstart=0, gtstop=1.<br>gxstart=0, gxstop=29, gystart=0, gystop=25.<br>gzstart=0, gzstop=1, gtstart=0, gtstop=1.<br>
Error from VINT: Incompatible grids. <br>Contouring: -0 to 2.4e+36 interval 3e+35 <br>Segmentation fault<br><br>after showing this message, the grads window gets closed.<br><br>Can anyone has solution for this perticular problem.<br>
<br>Thanks in advance<br><br>-- <br>Sushant<br><br>