<br />
Hi Subhadeep,<br />
One example of w2xy (world coordinate to xy coordinate):<br />
<br />
In case you want to draw some line and some point at a particular lat/lon of your figure, you need to know the XY coordinate for that grid point as grads doesn't take the direct lat/lon value. So by defining w2xy, your lat/lon will convert to XY coordinate, which you can use in GrADS plot.<br />
Similarly you can follow for others.<br />
<br />
Satyaban<br />
<br />
On Fri, 21 May 2010 12:57:10 +0530 wrote<br />
>Dear users,<br />
<br />
In grads, we have many conversions like xy2w, xy2gr, w2xy, w2gr, gr2w, gr2xy, ll2xy, pp2xy.<br />
<br />
What is the difference between these different co-ordinate systems like, world coordinates, grid coordinates, XY coordinates, LON/LAt coordinates and page coordinates ? <br />
<br />
<br />
Can anyone having idea about these explain me?<br />
<br />
thanks and regards,<br />
<br />
Subhadeep<br />
IITM, Pune, India.<br />
<br />
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<br><br>########################################################<br />
Dr. Satyaban Bishoyi Ratna<br />
CDAC, Pune, India<br />
<br />
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