Hi,<br>I am new to the Grads. Now first thing is trying to find the right directory for my data files and *.ctl file directory. How can I get into my data directory in D drive while Grads is installed in C drive.<br>The sample file of *.ctl is in C:\OpenGrADS\Contents\Resources\SampleDatasets. I could follow the tutorial to run the sampledatasets. But I can not do anything with my own data. <br>
Do I need to create three files at the first instant *.ctl, *.grb and *.gmp? How to make later two files?<br>I noticed the user guides in <a href="http://grads.iges.org/grads/gadoc/users.html">http://grads.iges.org/grads/gadoc/users.html</a><br>
However, I still need a hand to lead me go to the right position to where to start with.<br>Many thanks.<br><br>Bo<br><br>