Hai,<br>�i want to plot precipitaion anomoly.i hv cmap data precip.mon.mean.nc.t<br>the gs file i used for this is.<br><br>the problem is that in the saved plot didplay did not came........please help me<br>'reinit'<br>
yyyy=1979<br>while(yyyy<=1981)<br>mmm=01<br>while(mmm<=12)<br><br>'sdfopen <a href="http://precip.mon.mean.nc">precip.mon.mean.nc</a>'<br>'set time 'mmm''yyyy''<br>'set grid off'<br>
'set grads off'<br>'set t 1 12'<br>'set gxout shaded'<br>*'set gxout contour'<br><br>'define monavg=ave(precip,t+1,t+36,12)'<br>'modify monavg seasonal'<br>'set t 1 last'<br>
'define anom = precip-monavg'<br>*'set t 1 36'<br>'set lat 8 30'<br>'set lon 70 90'<br>'d anom'<br>'printim anomoly'mmm'.'yyyy'.jpg white'<br>'c'<br>
mmm=mmm+1<br>endwhile<br>yyyy=yyyy+1<br>endwhile<br><br><br><br>error shows likes this<br><br>Syntax Error:� Invalid Date/Time value.<br>� Missing month abbreviation or 'z' delimiter<br>SET error:� Missing or invalid arguments for TIME option<br>
Defined variable is now climatological<br><br>