function exce_ver (argument_list) * * count where excedence is showing the right sign * comparing integrated exceedance duration with * integrated (4weeks) Precip, T, ff10. * time series at one location (may be area mean) for one variable * * input: obs.ctl connecting to ecmwf 12-36 hrs forecast data * mclemean.ctl hindcast average from several forecasts in formost archive * mclmedia.ctl hindcast median from several forecasts in formost archive * lat * lon * parameter= one of 'tmean tmax tmin prec sun mslp ff10' * * output: plots of fraction above / below forecasts * 'reinit' 'run /home/fr2100/frtm/bin/grads/' '!echo $base' base=result say base say ' call with fxdate area var' say ' ' say 'allowed parameters for area: uk europe global ' say 'allowed parameters for var: heat drought flood cold winds ' base='/data/nwp1/frtm/formost' base='/project/formost/' obase='/data/local/frtm/bormost' say base *fxdate='20040421' fxdate=subwrd(argument_list,1) area =subwrd(argument_list,2) var =subwrd(argument_list,3) say argument_list * calculate time window with respect to fxdate * we have "heat exceedance products" since 20070510 * we have "flood and drought exceedance products" since 20070531 * we have "cold and wind exceedance products" since 20080501 tag=var if ( var = heat ) startdate = 20070510 startdate = 20070614 tag='' par=tmax * to compare with monthly means Obs! thresh=22 endif if ( var = flood ) startdate = 20070531 startdate = 20070621 par=prec thresh=3 endif if ( var = drought ) startdate = 20070614 par=prec thresh= 1 endif if ( var = winds ) startdate = 20080501 par=ff10 thresh=5 endif if ( var = cold ) startdate = 20071025 par=tmax thresh=5 endif if ( area = 'global' | area = '' ) lat1=-40 lat2=70 lon1=-130 lon2=160 endif if ( area = 'europe' ) lat1=30 lat2=60 lon1=-20 lon2=40 endif if ( area = 'uk' ) lat1=49 lat2=60 lon1=-12 lon2=4 endif say 'datediff 'fxdate' 'startdate' >./erp2' '!datediff 'fxdate' 'startdate' >./erp2' record2=read (erp2) timenode=sublin(record2,2) rc =close (erp2) maxfx = timenode/7 *maxfx = 26 outdir=base'/../public_html/formost/verification/' outdir='/home/h02/frtm/public_html/formost/verification/' *say outdir 'set gxout grid' * loop over the forecasts fxnum=0 while ( fxnum < maxfx ) fxnum=fxnum +1 delta= (fxnum -1)*7 delta='-- -'delta bxdate=newdate(fxdate,delta) * 1 89 - 98 era40 mean 'open 'base'/'bxdate'/mobsemean.ctl' *say '1: open 'base'/'bxdate'/mobsemean.ctl' * 2 90 member 18 year hindcast 'open 'base'/'bxdate'/mclmedia.ctl' *say '2: open 'base'/'bxdate'/mclmedia.ctl' * 3 verification data from 12 - 36 hrs high resolution forecast 'open 'base'/'bxdate'/mobs.ctl' *say '3: open 'base'/'bxdate'/mobs.ctl' * 4 ensemble mean forecast 'open 'base'/'bxdate'/mfxemean.ctl' *say '4: open 'base'/'bxdate'/mfxemean.ctl' * 5 'open 'base'/'bxdate'/'tag'pdffx.ctl' *say '5: open 'base'/'bxdate'/'tag'pdffx.ctl' * 6 'open 'base'/'bxdate'/'tag'pdfhc.ctl' *say '6: open 'base'/'bxdate'/'tag'pdfhc.ctl' * 7 89 - 98 sigma 'open 'base'/'bxdate'/mobssigma.ctl' *say '7: open 'base'/'bxdate'/mobssigma.ctl' * 8 hindcast 'open 'base'/'bxdate'/mclemean.ctl' *say '8: open 'base'/'bxdate'/mclemean.ctl' 'set grads off' 'set datawarn off' *'set mproj nps' 'set lon 'lon1' 'lon2 'set lat 'lat1' 'lat2 * say "lat lon " lat1' 'lat2' 'lon1' 'lon2 'set dfile 1' 'set t 1' * monthly mean observed 90ties climatology 'define mmobsemean = ('par'.1(t=4)+'par'.1(t=11)+2.*'par'.1(t=18))/4' 'define thresh=const(mmobsemean,'thresh',-a)' 'define mmobsigma= ('par'.7(t=4)+'par'.7(t=11)+2.*'par'.7(t=18))/4' * observed monthly mean 'define mmobs = 'par'.3(t=2)' * forecast monthly ensemble mean 'define mmobsfx = 'par'.4(t=2)' * hindcast monthly ensemble mean 'define mmobscl = 'par'.8(t=2)' * root mean square distance between er40 89- 98 and model hindcast 'define rmsdi = pow(mmobscl - mmobsemean,2) ' * root mean square distance between observed monthly mean and forecast ensemble mean * 'define rmsdi = pow(mmobsfx - mmobs,2) ' 'define rmsdi = const(rmsdi,0,-u) ' * predicted days above threshold 'define predex=const('par'.5(t=3),0,-a)' * 'd predex' tim=2 while ( tim < 32 ) 'define predex = predex + 'par'.5(t='tim')/100. ' * say 'define predex = predex + 'par'.5(t='tim')/100. ' tim=tim+1 endwhile * integrated climatology of days above threshold 'define climex=const('par'.6(t=3),0,-a)' * ascertain that the first time slice is defined, else all climex will be undefined. tim=2 while ( tim < 32 ) 'define climex = climex + 'par'.6(t='tim')/100. ' tim=tim+1 endwhile * check where the observed monthly mean was larger than the * climate monthly mean by at least one/half standard deviation, true=1, false=0 * 'define mmobs= mmobs+0.5 * mmobsigma' * 'define mmobs= mmobs+thresh' 'define event= maskout(mmobs,thresh-mmobs)' 'define v1=const(const(event,0),1,-u)' 'define notv1=const(const(event,1),0,-u)' rel1 = '>' rel2 = '+' if ( var = cold | var = drought ) * invert test for cold, i.e. associate true with observed < climatology 'define v1 = pow( v1 - 1,2)' 'define notv1 = pow(notv1 - 1,2)' rel1 = '<' rel2 = '-' endif * check where the integrated predicted exceedances are larger than the * climate exceedances , true=1, false=0 percentage = 30 * say 'define event=maskout(predex,predex+0.'percentage'-climex)' 'define event=maskout(predex,predex+0.'percentage'-climex)' 'define v2= const(const( event ,0),1,-u)' 'define notv2= const(const( event ,1),0,-u)' * check where the predicted threshold exceedance is observed. if ( fxnum = 1 ) 'define cnt= v1' 'define hit= v1*v2' 'define fa = notv1*v2' 'define mis= v1*notv2' 'define cor= notv1*notv2' 'define rmsds = rmsdi' else 'define cnt= cnt + v1' 'define hit= hit + v1*v2' 'define fa = fa + notv1*v2' 'define mis= mis + v1*notv2' 'define cor= cor + notv1*notv2' 'define rmsds= rmsds + rmsdi' * integrated predicted days above threshold endif *pull a 'close 8' 'close 7' 'close 6' 'close 5' 'close 4' 'close 3' 'close 2' 'close 1' endwhile * from while over forecasts fxnum say maxfx' 'fxnum 'define a=hit' 'define b=fa' 'define c=mis' 'define d=cor' say 'define fxnum=const(a,'maxfx',-a)' 'define fxnum=const(a,'maxfx',-a)' say 'define s= (a+c)/fxnum' 'define s= (a+c)/fxnum' say 'define H = a /( a+c)' 'define H = const (a /( a+c) ,0,-u)' say 'define F = b /( b+d)' 'define F = const ( b /( b+d) ,0,-u)' say 'define hss= (2*s*(1-s)*(H-F))/(s+s*(1-2*s)*H+(1-s)*(1-2*s)*F)' 'define hss= (2*s*(1-s)*(H-F))/(s+s*(1-2*s)*H+(1-s)*(1-2*s)*F)' 'define hss= const ( hss , 0, -u)' say 'define pss= (a*d-b*c)/((b+d)*(a+c))' 'define pss= const ( (a*d-b*c)/((b+d)*(a+c)) , 0, -u)' 'define csi= const ( a/(b+a+c) , 0, -u)' 'define YQ = const ( (H-F)/ (H*(1-F)+F*(1-H)) ,0,-u)' 'define OR = const ( H/(1-H) * (1-F)/F ,0,-u)' say 'define rmsd= sqrt(rmsds/'maxfx')' 'define rmsd= sqrt(rmsds/'maxfx')' say ' define EDS=2*log((a+c)/fxnum)/log(a/fxnum) - 1.' 'define EDS= 2*log((a+c)/fxnum)/log(a/fxnum) - 1.' 'define EDS=const( EDS ,0,-u)' *pull x * second part of header string: part2='\ Observed value 'rel1' 90s climate 'rel2' 1/2 sigma and \ Area under the fx PDF > than Area under the hindcast PDF' part2='\ Observed monthly mean 'rel1' 'thresh ' and \ Area under the fx PDF 'percentage'% > than Area under the hindcast PDF' 'c' 'set grads off' *'set gxout grid' 'set gxout contour' 'd cnt' 'draw map' 'draw title observed count 'var' 'bxdate' to 'fxdate' 'part2 printname='thver_'fxdate var area'_cnt' say 'printim 'outdir'/'printname'.gif gif white' 'printim 'outdir'/'printname'.gif gif white' 'c' 'set grads off' 'set gxout contour' *'set gxout shaded' 'd pss' 'draw map' 'draw title Peirce skill score 'var' 'bxdate' to 'fxdate' 'part2 printname='thver_'fxdate var area'_peirce' say 'printim 'outdir'/'printname'.gif gif white' 'printim 'outdir'/'printname'.gif gif white' 'c' 'set grads off' 'set gxout contour' *'set gxout shaded' 'd csi' 'set clevs 0.5' 'set ccols 1 ' 'set cthick 6' 'd csi' 'draw map' 'draw title Critical success rate 'var' 'bxdate' to 'fxdate' 'part2 printname='thver_'fxdate var area'_csi' say 'printim 'outdir'/'printname'.gif gif white' 'printim 'outdir'/'printname'.gif gif white' 'c' 'set grads off' 'set gxout contour' *'set gxout shaded' 'd YQ' 'draw map' 'draw title Yules Q 'var' 'bxdate' to 'fxdate' 'part2 printname='thver_'fxdate var area'_yq' say 'printim 'outdir'/'printname'.gif gif white' 'printim 'outdir'/'printname'.gif gif white' 'c' 'set grads off' 'set gxout contour' *'set gxout shaded' 'd hss' 'draw map' 'draw title Heidke skill score 'var' 'bxdate' to 'fxdate' 'part2 printname='thver_'fxdate var area'_heidke' say 'printim 'outdir'/'printname'.gif gif white' 'printim 'outdir'/'printname'.gif gif white' 'c' 'set grads off' 'set gxout contour' *'set gxout shaded' 'd rmsd' 'draw map' 'draw title RMS Distance 'par' 'bxdate' to 'fxdate' between \ hindcast and ERA40 89 to 98 ' printname='thver_'fxdate var area'_rmsd' say 'printim 'outdir'/'printname'.gif gif white' 'printim 'outdir'/'printname'.gif gif white' quit function newdate(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4) * *usage: newdate [-s] yyyymmddhh [+|-]hours * newdate [-s] -D yyyymmdd [+|-]days * newdate [-d | -j | -J | -s] yyyymmddhh * -D switch to use days instead of hours * -d prints the Julian date * -j prints the julian day number of the year * -J prints the julian day number of the year (JJJ) * -s prints the yyyymmhhdd separately (yyyy mm hh dd) * Julian number is in range of [1-366] * '!newdate -D 'arg1' 'arg2' 'arg3' 'arg4' >./erp1' * say '!newdate -D 'arg1' 'arg2' 'arg3' 'arg4 record2=read(erp1) result=sublin(record2,2) rc= close (erp1) return(result)