Trying to get the cloud base height to display. My WRF output contains...<br><br>553:6102198:D=2010040706:HGT:cld base:kpds=7,2,0:1hr fcst:winds in grid direction:"Geopotential height [gpm]<br>554:6118206:D=2010040706:HGT:cloud ceiling:kpds=7,215,0:1hr fcst:winds in grid direction:"Geopotential height [gpm]<br>
<br>I have this in my grads script...<br>'define ceiling=(HGTsfc(t='dis_t')*3.2808399)'
<br>'d ceiling'
<br><br>Which gives me a topo map in feet. I am guessing I just have to make a simple change to the above to give me ceilings/cloud bases. Anyone know what that simple change is? thanks.<br><br>