Hello everyone,<br> I have hydrographic station data that I would like to grid. I can successfully grid the data using oacres, however, I have to use very small radii so the interpolated grid does not extrapolate over land. I was wondering if there is a way that I can use oacres with larger radii, and then set the land to an undefined value? I am not sure if this is a possibility, but an answer would be greatly appreciated.<br>
My second question is after I grid all my data, how can I write the data properly into grads format so I can use the data at a later time period. Essentially I want to take my 50+ years of data, and create monthly gridded files that I can use in Grads in the future. I'm sure this process is just a couple of loops, but I am unsure of the order and how to determine the dimensions/variables for the control file. I have about 7 variables all on a single level with about 700 time steps. Any information would be greatly appreciated.<br>