* To obtain the maximum magnitude of subtropical jet and the associated pressure level * by Ooi See Hai on 24 March 2010 * 'reinit' * 'sdfopen d:\cdc\uvw\uwnd.2009.nc' 'sdfopen d:\cdc\uvw\vwnd.2009.nc' * l.1=1000 l.2=925 l.3=850 l.4=700 l.5=600 l.6=500 l.7=400 l.8=300 l.9=250 l.10=200 l.11=150 l.12=100 * 'set t 2' * * Array of maximum wind over a specified area for the respective pressure levels * .............................................................................. * i=1 while (i <= 12) 'set lev 'l.i 'wind=mag(uwnd,vwnd.2)' 'mw'i'=max(max(wind,lon=80,lon=140),lat=20,lat=40)' i=i+1 endwhile * * * The 12 values of the output are: 17.3416, 20.3666, 20.6422, 31.7404, * 43.0074, 54.2407, 68.4165, 82.483, * 85.7425, 85.3115, 76.6236, 52.7228 * so the largest value should be 85.7425 at 250 hPa level * * * * Obtain highest of the maximum magnitude and the corresponding pressure level * ............................................................................ * j=1 while (j <= 12) 'large=mw'j id=j k=j+1 while (k <= 12) if ('mw'k > 'large') 'large=mw'k id=k endif k=k+1 endwhile 'mw'id'=mw'j 'mw'j'=large' j=j+1 endwhile * 'max=large' 'plev='id