I have grads on Ubuntu 9.10 but have been having problems with opening up netcdf files on it. The program opens all right but I get the following message when I open a netcdf file:<br><br>Config: v2.0.a7 little-endian readline printim grib2 netcdf hdf4-sds hdf5 geotiff<br>
Issue 'q config' command for more information.<br>Landscape mode? ('n' for portrait): no<br>GX Package Initialization: Size = 8.5 11 <br>ga-> sdfopen <a href="http://uwnd.1998.nc">uwnd.1998.nc</a><br>Scanning self-describing file: <a href="http://uwnd.1998.nc">uwnd.1998.nc</a><br>
udunits(3): Couldn't open units database "/usr/local/lib/grads/udunits.dat": No such file or directory<br>gadsdf: UDUNITS package initialization failure.<br>ga-> <br><br>How do I resolve this problem?<br>