<p>I just need to find access to TOMS, MODIS, ACE data which shows dust/sulfate aerosols. I do not care which data set it is. I tried using the GODDARD data and it would not display in GrADS becuase of some time compatibility issue. The website for this is:<br>
<br><a href="http://portal.nccs.nasa.gov/cgi-lats4d/webform.cgi?&i=GEOS-5/yotc/0.25_deg/assim/inst3_3d_aer_Nv">http://portal.nccs.nasa.gov/cgi-lats4d/webform.cgi?&i=GEOS-5/yotc/0.25_deg/assim/inst3_3d_aer_Nv</a><br>
<br>What other data sets are available. Unfortunately, I am running grads from a Windows based PC and do not have much of any resources to use in which to produce fortran programs for reformatting data sets (I am trying to get linux configured on my computer) so I need to access ready to use data in netcd format. I am trying to display this with NCEP data, which has time steps ending on 0 hours Z, therefore, I need to aerosol data that way. I currently have aerosol data from the above website but unfortunately it ends on 3 hours z. How am I able to modify this file given my computational resources at the moment? Is it possible to do so? Anyway, please help me out with this. Anyway, help would really greatly be appreciated, whether in the form of using the above website, modifying the file I have, or accessing ready to use aerosol files. Again I am trying to examine aerosol files from both Asia and also southern California. <br>
<br>Thanks,<br> <br>Jason</p>