Dear Grads users,<br><br>I'm writing a ctl file to open 24 (only 24) files, <br><br>baseline1pmg2jantp.grb<br>baseline1pmg2febtp.grb<br>baseline1pmg2martp.grb<br>.<br>.<br>.<br>baseline1pmg2janpr.grb<br>baseline1pmg2febpr.grb<br>
baseline1pmg2marpr.grb<br>.<br>.<br>.<br><br>my ctl file is as follows:<br><br>dset ^baseline1pmg2%mctp.grb<br>index ^baseline1pmg2%mctp.grb.idx<br>options template<br>undef 9.999E+20<br>title Temperature at 1.5 m<br>* produced by LFA 0.3<br>
dtype grib 255<br>options yrev<br>ydef 37 linear -23.960000 0.439<br>xdef 36 linear -72.240000 0.440000<br>tdef 12 linear 00Z01jan1962 1mo<br>zdef 1 linear 1 1<br>vars 1<br>s03236 0 236,105,0 **<br>ENDVARS<br><br>As for now I'm trying to open only 12 files, with one variable, the error I get is:<br>
<br>Scanning description file: first.ctl<br>Open Error: Can't open Station/Index map file baseline1pmg2%mctp.grb.idx <br> The data file was not opened. <br><br>Thanks<br>Luis<br>