Hi all,<br><br>I installed the OpenGrADS Bundle
v2.0.a7.oga.3 (<a target="_blank" href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/opengrads/files/grads2/2..0.a7.oga.3/">http://sourceforge.net/projects/opengrads/files/grads2/2.0.a7..oga.3/</a>) and set <invoker
grads_dir="/home/gds/grads-2.0.a7.oga.3/Classic/bin"/>. Then, I
tried to restart my gds to publish the netcdf 3 and netcdf-4 files. The
server was restarted, but only netcdf 3 files were published. The error
was occured in gds.log as below:<br><br>error: can't import /LPRM
dummy CTL feature not supported by GrADS executable<br><br>If needed, I could attach the two netcdf files (one is netcdf 3, another is netcdf-4) .<br>Any suggestion will be appreciated! Thanks.<br><br>Best Regards,<br><br>Tim<br>