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<p style="border-style: none none solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color -moz-use-text-color rgb(0, 102, 204); border-width: medium medium 1px; padding: 0in 0in 0.02in; margin-bottom: 0in;"><a name="lw_1251528951_1"></a><a name="lw_1251706998_0"></a><a name="lw_1251706998_1"></a>
<font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"><font size="3">Dear
sir<br>I would like to introduce myself to you. I am a researcher in
the field of Meteorology. I downloaded CRU data from ICTP web
site that is linked with the CRU web site. This CRU data is
CRUPRE.CDF fomat. How do display .CRF file in <span style="background: transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;">Grads</span>?
I know how to display .nc file in grads but I tried several times to
display in grads to .CDF file but I could not success.<br>Please let
me know how to display .CDF file in grads.<br><br>Best
wishes<br></font></font></p><p style="border-style: none none solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color -moz-use-text-color rgb(0, 102, 204); border-width: medium medium 1px; padding: 0in 0in 0.02in; margin-bottom: 0in;"><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"><font size="3"><br></font></font></p><p style="border-style: none none solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color -moz-use-text-color rgb(0, 102, 204); border-width: medium medium 1px; padding: 0in 0in 0.02in; margin-bottom: 0in;"><font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"><font size="3">Rahman</font></font></p>
<p style="border-style: none none solid; border-color: -moz-use-text-color -moz-use-text-color rgb(0, 102, 204); border-width: medium medium 1px; padding: 0in 0in 0.02in; margin-bottom: 0in;">
<font face="times new roman, new york, times, serif"><font size="3">Bangladesh