Hi there,<br><br>This is the problem I have encountered.<br><br>I had a post process file from a WRF output via the module arwpost. First I use the GrADS version 1.8 to open the file ctl file it is working fine. It opens and I can display the variables too. But due to the precision problem in grads version 1.8 I was unable to give a point location which was giving me the error that world coordinates are converted to non-integer grid coordinates.<br>
So I switched to version 2 and now for any field I try to display it gives me "Notice: Automatic Grid Interpolation Taking Place. Cannot contour grid - all undefined values" and on the display it gives "Entire Grid Undefined".<br>
<br>When it opens the file in either version this is a notice it gives:<br>"Notice: Implied interpolation for file synNE_withtopo.ctl Interpolation will be performed on any data displayed from this file"<br><br>
How could this be cause version 1.8 was displaying the same field at the same time.<br><br>Any idea what is going on? anybody?.....Is this a problem with version 2..probably not...<br>Here is the .ctl file...<br><br>dset ^synNE_withtopo.dat<br>
options byteswapped<br>undef 1.e30<br>title OUTPUT FROM WRF V3.0 MODEL<br>pdef 196 196 lcc -36.940 174.780 98.500 98.500 -36.94000 -36.94000 174.78000 500.000 500.000<br>xdef 509 linear 174.20576 0.00225225<br>
ydef 409 linear -37.40097 0.00225225<br>zdef 50 linear 1 1 <br>tdef 49 linear 12Z17MAR2006 30MN <br>VARS 8<br>U 50 0 x-wind component (m s-1)<br>V 50 0 y-wind component (m s-1)<br>
W 50 0 z-wind component (m s-1)<br>PBLH 1 0 PBL HEIGHT (m)<br>HFX 1 0 UPWARD HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE (W m-2)<br>LH 1 0 LATENT HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE (W m-2)<br>height 50 0 Model height (KM)<br>
theta 50 0 Potential Temperature (K)<br>ENDVARS<br><br>Cheers<br>Mald<br><br>