Dear all,<br><br>I write a simple file in FORTRAN by:<br><span class="HcCDpe"></span><span class="HcCDpe"><span class="JDpiNd"> open (51,file='uwind.dat',form='unformatted, access='direct',recl=2001*2001*4)<br>
write(51,rec=1) rad<br> write(51,rec=2) ub<br> close(51)<br>Here ub and radm is defined as: real ub(2001,2001), radm(2001,2001). <br>The control file is:<br><img class="QrVm3d" id="upi" name="upi" src="images/cleardot.gif" width="16" height="16"></span></span>DSET ^uwind.dat<br>
TITLE Teq zonal wind <br> UNDEF -8888.8 <br> XDEF 1 LINEAR 1 1<br> YDEF 2001 Linear 0 0.045<br> ZDEF 2001 Linear 0 0.0525<br> TDEF 1 LINEAR 0Z00JAN0000 1mo<br> VARS 2<br> rad 2001 99 total field<br>
ub 2001 99 total field<br> ENDVARS<br>When I use GrADS to plot <b>rad</b>, it works well, but when I try to plot <b>ub</b>, although the values of ub are not <b>NaN</b> (I have print them out in FORTRAN), it shows: <b><i>Contouring: nan to nan interval inf</i></b>. Anyone has any idea how this happen and how to deal with it? I can not understand why the first variable is good but the second is bad when plotting by GrADS.<br>
<br>Thank you very much.<br><br>btw: In FORTRAN both variables works well. I have tried to read the
files and they are all right. The problem only happens in GrADS
plotting.<br>-- <br>Lantao Sun<br>Graduate Student<br>University of Illinois, Urbana,61801