<DIV>I renamed to old version of g2ctl.pl, then placed the new version in the win32 dir. Set my path and then tried to invoke it with no options, and it started fine. Then I added the grib file name and the perl script found it and displayed the descriptor file to the screen. Finally I tried to get it to write out a control file but I don't think I understand the command sytanx. Either way, it looks like you found whatever was causing the problem. Congratulations!. </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>P:\>set PATH=c:\Program Files\PCGrADS19\win32;%PATH%</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>P:\>path<BR>PATH=c:\Program Files\PCGrADS19\win32;C:\Perl\bin\;C:\orant\Ora81\bin\;C:\WINNT\<BR>system32;C:\WINNT;C:\WINNT\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Attachmate\E!E2K\;C:\P<BR>rogram Files\PCGrADS\win32e\;C:\Program Files\GMT\bin;C:\Program Files\wgrib2\</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>P:\>g2ctl.pl<BR>c:\Program Files\PCGrADS19\win32\g2ctl.pl 0.0.3g wesley ebisuzaki<BR> makes a Grads control file for grib files<BR> usage: c:\Program Files\PCGrADS19\win32\g2ctl.pl [options] [grib_file] [optiona<BR>l index file] [optional pdef file] >[ctl file]<BR> -verf .. use forecast verification times<BR> -0 .. use analysis times<BR> -365 .. 365 day calendar<BR> -ts[timestep] .. set timestep for individual time files (e.g. -ts6hr)<BR> -lc .. set lowercase option for parameter names<BR> -iso_profile .. set z coordinate to ocean isotherms<BR> -prs_profile .. set z coordinate to pressure (mb)<BR>
-m_profile .. set z coordinate to meters above ground/msl<BR> -no_profile .. no z coordinates<BR> -raw .. raw grid<BR> -iso_profile .. make profile using subsurface isoterms</DIV>
<DIV>Note 1: the index file will be generated by the gribmap program, default: grib_f<BR>ile.idx<BR>Note 2: the pdef file is only generated for thinned lat-lon grids, default: grib<BR>_file.pdef</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>P:\>g2ctl.pl -verf c:\grib\input_new\multi_1.wc_4m.t12z.grib2<BR>dset c:\grib\input_new\multi_1.wc_4m.t12z.grib2<BR>index c:\grib\input_new\multi_1.wc_4m.t12z.grib2.idx<BR>undef 9.999E+20<BR>title c:\grib\input_new\multi_1.wc_4m.t12z.grib2<BR>* produced by g2ctl v0.0.3g<BR>* griddef=1:0:(736 x 526):grid_template=0: lat-lon grid:(736 x 526) units 1e-06<BR>input WE:NS output WE:SN res 48 lat 50.000000 to 15.000000 by 0.066667 lon 195.0<BR>00000 to 244.000000 by 0.066667 #points=387136</DIV>
<DIV>dtype grib2<BR>ydef 526 linear 15.000000 0.066667<BR>xdef 736 linear 195.000000 0.066667<BR>tdef 61 linear 12Z19mar2008 3hr<BR>zdef 1 linear 1 1<BR>vars 16<BR>DIRPWsfc 0,1,1 10,0,10 ** surface none Primary Wave Direction [deg]<BR>HTSGWsfc 0,1,1 10,0,3 ** surface none Significant Height of Combined Wind Wav<BR>es and Swell [m]<BR>PERPWsfc 0,1,1 10,0,11 ** surface none Primary Wave Mean Period [s]<BR>SWDIRl241 0,241,1 10,0,7 ** ordered sequence of data none Direction of Swell<BR>Waves [deg]<BR>SWDIRl241 0,241,2 10,0,7 ** ordered sequence of data none Direction of Swell<BR>Waves [deg]<BR>SWELLl241 0,241,1 10,0,8 ** ordered sequence of data none Significant Height<BR>of Swell Waves [m]<BR>SWELLl241 0,241,2 10,0,8 ** ordered sequence of data none Significant Height<BR>of Swell Waves [m]<BR>SWPERl241 0,241,1 10,0,9 ** ordered sequence
of dat
a none Mean Period of Swel<BR>l Waves [s]<BR>SWPERl241 0,241,2 10,0,9 ** ordered sequence of data none Mean Period of Swel<BR>l Waves [s]<BR>UGRDsfc 0,1,1 0,2,2 ** surface none U-Component of Wind [m/s]<BR>VGRDsfc 0,1,1 0,2,3 ** surface none V-Component of Wind [m/s]<BR>WDIRsfc 0,1,1 0,2,0 ** surface none Wind Direction (from which blowing) [deg]</DIV>
<DIV>WINDsfc 0,1,1 0,2,1 ** surface none Wind Speed [m/s]<BR>WVDIRsfc 0,1,1 10,0,4 ** surface none Direction of Wind Waves [deg]<BR>WVHGTsfc 0,1,1 10,0,5 ** surface none Significant Height of Wind Waves [m]<BR>WVPERsfc 0,1,1 10,0,6 ** surface none Mean Period of Wind Waves [s]<BR>ENDVARS</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>P:\>g2ctl.pl -verf c:\grib\input_new\multi_1.wc_4m.t12z.grib2 c:\grib\input_new\<BR>control.ctl<BR>dset c:\grib\input_new\multi_1.wc_4m.t12z.grib2<BR>index c:\grib\input_new\control.ctl<BR>undef 9.999E+20<BR>title c:\grib\input_new\multi_1.wc_4m.t12z.grib2<BR>* produced by g2ctl v0.0.3g<BR>* griddef=1:0:(736 x 526):grid_template=0: lat-lon grid:(736 x 526) units 1e-06<BR>input WE:NS output WE:SN res 48 lat 50.000000 to 15.000000 by 0.066667 lon 195.0<BR>00000 to 244.000000 by 0.066667 #points=387136</DIV>
<DIV>dtype grib2<BR>ydef 526 linear 15.000000 0.066667<BR>xdef 736 linear 195.000000 0.066667<BR>tdef 61 linear 12Z19mar2008 3hr<BR>zdef 1 linear 1 1<BR>vars 16<BR>DIRPWsfc 0,1,1 10,0,10 ** surface none Primary Wave Direction [deg]<BR>HTSGWsfc 0,1,1 10,0,3 ** surface none Significant Height of Combined Wind Wav<BR>es and Swell [m]<BR>PERPWsfc 0,1,1 10,0,11 ** surface none Primary Wave Mean Period [s]<BR>SWDIRl241 0,241,1 10,0,7 ** ordered sequence of data none Direction of Swell<BR>Waves [deg]<BR>SWDIRl241 0,241,2 10,0,7 ** ordered sequence of data none Direction of Swell<BR>Waves [deg]<BR>SWELLl241 0,241,1 10,0,8 ** ordered sequence of data none Significant Height<BR>of Swell Waves [m]<BR>SWELLl241 0,241,2 10,0,8 ** ordered sequence of data none Significant Height<BR>of Swell Waves [m]<BR>SWPERl241 0,241,1 10,0,9 ** ordered sequence
of dat
a none Mean Period of Swel<BR>l Waves [s]<BR>SWPERl241 0,241,2 10,0,9 ** ordered sequence of data none Mean Period of Swel<BR>l Waves [s]<BR>UGRDsfc 0,1,1 0,2,2 ** surface none U-Component of Wind [m/s]<BR>VGRDsfc 0,1,1 0,2,3 ** surface none V-Component of Wind [m/s]<BR>WDIRsfc 0,1,1 0,2,0 ** surface none Wind Direction (from which blowing) [deg]</DIV>
<DIV>WINDsfc 0,1,1 0,2,1 ** surface none Wind Speed [m/s]<BR>WVDIRsfc 0,1,1 10,0,4 ** surface none Direction of Wind Waves [deg]<BR>WVHGTsfc 0,1,1 10,0,5 ** surface none Significant Height of Wind Waves [m]<BR>WVPERsfc 0,1,1 10,0,6 ** surface none Mean Period of Wind Waves [s]<BR>ENDVARS</DIV>
<DIV> --<BR>Thanks, <BR>Mark</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">-------------- Original message -------------- <BR>From: Arlindo da Silva <dasilva@ALUM.MIT.EDU> <BR>Mark,<BR><BR> Try running g2ctl.pl on your grib-2 file:<BR><BR>g2ctl.pl -verf c:\grib\input_new\multi_1.wc_4m.t12z.grib2 <BR><BR> Do get the same access denied error?<BR><BR> Arlindo<BR><BR><BR>-- <BR>Arlindo da Silva<BR><A href="mailto:dasilva@alum.mit.edu">dasilva@alum.mit.edu</A> </BLOCKQUOTE></body></html>