<br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Arlindo, looks like the string-handling
problem has been resolved. See my comments ("SMc: ....") below.
Thanks!</font><br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Stephen Mc </font><br><br><br><table width=100%><tr valign=top><td width=40%><font size=1 face="sans-serif"><b>Arlindo da Silva <dasilva@ALUM.MIT.EDU></b></font><br><font size=1 face="sans-serif">Sent by: GRADSUSR@LIST.CINECA.IT</font><p><font size=1 face="sans-serif">03/06/2008 08:47 AM</font><table border><tr valign=top><td bgcolor=white><div align=center><font size=1 face="sans-serif">Please respond to<br>GRADSUSR@LIST.CINECA.IT</font></div></table><br><td width=59%><table width=100%><tr valign=top><td><div align=right><font size=1 face="sans-serif">To</font></div><td><font size=1 face="sans-serif">GRADSUSR@LIST.CINECA.IT</font><tr valign=top><td><div align=right><font size=1 face="sans-serif">cc</font></div><td><tr valign=top><td><div align=right><font size=1 face="sans-serif">Subject</font></div><td><font size=1 face="sans-serif">Re: String Handling in GrADS1.9.0-rc1
win32</font></table><br><table><tr valign=top><td><td></table><br></table><br><br><font size=3>2008/3/6 Stephen R McMillan <</font><a href=mailto:smcmillan@planalytics.com><font size=3 color=blue><u>smcmillan@planalytics.com</u></font></a><font size=3>>:</font><br><br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">Arlindo,</font><br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">I have been unable to figure out why
the V1.9.0-rc1 win32 superpack appears to handle strings differently than
v1.8SL11 does. So far, I have encountered this problem only when
reading text data files, but it is keeping me from applying many of my
data scripts in the newer version. I submitted something similar before,
but I'm sending another example to see if someone in the user community
may have an "aha!" answer. I've attached four text files, respectively
from left, (1) test script, (2) data file, (3) screen-dump output from
v1.9, and (4) output from v1.8. Both sessions were done on the same pc
with MS Windows XP Pro (SP2). I've also included text of script here for
convenience.</font><br><br><font size=3>I've a similar script you sent me before on my installation
and it worked just fine. </font><br><br><a href=http://test19.gs><font size=2 color=blue face="Courier New"><u>test19.gs</u></font></a><font size=2 face="Courier New">:</font><br><br><font size=2 face="Courier New">datfile='d:\temp\apr06.txt'</font><br><br><font size=3>Try using POSIX fiile names: d:/temp/apr06.txt. Is
the file apr06.txt MS-DOS or Unix-style text files?</font><br><font size=3>SMc: Although I tried after changing it, the file name
style was not the issue, as it recognized, opened, and read the file just
fine either way. The issue was how 1.9 treated the data strings within.
As for the data file apr06.txt, it was a Windows-style plain-text (ANSI)
file, the standard text output or "save as" option in MS Word,
Excel, Notepad, Wordpad (okay, I prefer the plain-vanilla editors with
few bells and whistles). I'm not aware of any ANSI-to-unix or "save
as" unix options in these applications (I mostly use Excel VB to generate
the data text files).</font><br><font size=3> </font><br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">The test19 script itself serves no useful
purpose other than to illustrate the differences. The v1.8 output is what
I expected from running it--no problem there. However, running the same
script in v1.9 produces a different result. It appears to handle the variables
differently than v1.8 does, e.g., numeric versus non-numeric. Any ideas?
Do we have to declare variables as strings, integers, etc. in v1.9?</font><br><br><font size=3>I don't think so. I believe we are hitting same MS-DOS/Unix
text file issue you encountered. I added some info to the wiki:</font><br><font size=3>SMc: I reviewed the "dos2unix" instructions
on the wiki. It didn't work at first because a needed file (cygpopt-0.dll)
was missing in my grads19/win32. See attached screen-dump image file. I
got the required dll through a link on the cygwin site and added to /win32.
After doing the dos2unix conversion on the data file, my script ran correctly.
Thanks! But...see my comments at the end.</font><br><font size=3> </font><br><a href="http://opengrads.org/wiki/index.php?title=Installing_GrADS_on_Microsoft_Windows#My_GrADS_script_that_reads_a_text_file_does_not_work"><font size=3 color=blue><u>http://opengrads.org/wiki/index.php?title=Installing_GrADS_on_Microsoft_Windows#My_GrADS_script_that_reads_a_text_file_does_not_work</u></font></a><font size=3>.</font><br><br><br><font size=3>I am away this week and I do not have access to Windows.
I'll look into this issue next week. The idea is to have it all working
transparently. </font><br><font size=2 face="sans-serif">SMc: Perhaps it's a minor inconvenience
to add the extra steps of creating an additional copy and doing the dos2unix
conversion. In my case, that can be several hundred data files at a time.
My suggestion would be to have 1.9.0-rc1 win32 handle Windows/Dos-style
text files just as transparently and effortlessly as 1.8sl11 does now.</font><br><br><font size=3> Arlindo</font><br><br><font size=3>-- </font><br><font size=3>Arlindo da Silva</font><br><a href=mailto:dasilva@alum.mit.edu><font size=3 color=blue><u>dasilva@alum.mit.edu</u></font></a><font size=3></font><br><BR>
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