Dear Frank,<BR>
I couldn't understand properly for using this command<BR>
to solve my problem.<BR>
Can you please explain me properly to overcome this problem.<BR>
Thanking you.<BR>
On Thu, 01 Nov 2007 Bandle Frank wrote :<BR>
>sorry not fsck ! - fdisk is the command to check.<BR>
>Bandle Frank<BR>
>Am 01.11.2007 um 05:22 schrieb Satyaban BishoyiRatna:<BR>
>>Dear Grads User,<BR>
>> I am working in GrADS with my AMD64 Opteron machine<BR>
>>having Ubuntu linux and PG compiler.<BR>
>> I am facing problem in my machine when any of the file<BR>
>>exceeds the size more than 2 GB.<BR>
>> I can't make any other application for a file if the size<BR>
>>is more than 2 GB.<BR>
>> Please suggest me how to handle this issue and how can I<BR>
>>work successfully in my linux machine if the file size is more<BR>
>>than 2 GB.<BR>
>> Thanking you.<BR>
>>Sincerely yours<BR>
>>Satyaban Bishoyi Ratna<BR>
>>Satyaban Bishoyi Ratna<BR>
>>Research Scholar<BR>
>>Department of Meteorology and Oceanography<BR>
>>Andhra University<BR>
>>Visakhapatnam-530 003<BR>
>>Andhra Pradesh<BR>
>>Cell: +91-94403 30367<BR>
Satyaban Bishoyi Ratna
Research Scholar
Department of Meteorology and Oceanography
Andhra University
Visakhapatnam-530 003
Andhra Pradesh
Cell: +91-94403 30367
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