Hi,<br> I am trying to regrid a 4 dimensional data (time, height, lat, lon). I understand that the regrid function works for 2D data. This is the script I wrote, but only the first time step is written. Please help....
<br><br>'reinit'<br>'c'<br>*regridding 3D data to 0.5 degree resolution<br>'open u_mon_96to00.ctl'<br>'set gxout fwrite'<br>'set fwrite u_0.5x0.5.dat'<br>tt=1<br>zz=1<br>while(tt<61)
<br>'set t 'tt<br>while(zz<25)<br>'set z 'zz<br>'set x 1 1110' ; 'set lat -30 45'<br>'d regrid2(u,0.5,0.5,ba_p1_ma000, 0.0,-30.0)'<br>zz=zz+1<br>endwhile<br>tt=tt+1<br>endwhile<br>
'close 1'<br><br>How can I write the data for all time steps?<br><br>thanks.<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>John Guhin