Hi... Well, i used function AAVE, and it gave me a error...<br>I used Grid Coordinates and it didn't function, after i used World Coordinates and it didn't function...<br>Read down, this is the that i made....<br><br>
ga-> d apcpsfc<br>Contouring: 0 to 11 interval 1 <br>ga-> d aave(apcpsfc, 102, 112, 74, 80)<br>Syntax Error: Invalid dimension expression<br> Expecting +/-/= operator, found 1<br>Error from AAVE: Invalid dimension expression
<br>Operation Error: Error from aave function<br> Error ocurred at column 1<br>DISPLAY error: Invalid expression <br> Expression = aave(apcpsfc,102,112,74,80)<br><br>ga-> d aave(apcpsfc, -62.977, -62.017, 8.095, 8.671
)<br>Syntax Error: Invalid dimension expression<br> Expecting X/Y/Z/T/LAT/LON/LEV/TIME, found <br>Error from AAVE: Invalid dimension expression <br>Operation Error: Error from aave function<br> Error ocurred at column 1
<br>DISPLAY error: Invalid expression <br> Expression = aave(apcpsfc,-62.977,-62.017,8.095,8.671)<br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Ing. Rafael E. Mundaray M.