<P>Alessandro <BR>excelent thanks a lot, i try with the code in a bat file:</P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>C:<BR>cd "C:\Archivos de programa\PCGrADS\win32e"<BR>Grads -lc prueba.gs</FONT></P>
<P>in VBasic:<BR><FONT color=#0033cc>b = ShellExecute(Me.hwnd, "Open", "C:\Archivos de programa\PCGrADS\win32e\Grads.exe", "-lc prueba", "C:\Archivos de programa\PCGrADS\win32e\", 2)</FONT></P>
<P>and its works!!!</P>
<P>I have a new question, the script Prueba.gs has a function who takes a <FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #99ff00">parameter</FONT>, <BR>how i can rewrite the code, in my case i have a function who open a file and the name of the file is the parameter.<BR>i try adding the parameter like this <BR><FONT color=#0033cc>Grads -lc prueba.gs 22</FONT><BR>where 22.ctl is a file <BR>but it doesnt work.</P>
<P>sorry about the gramatical errors but the english is not my language!</P>
<P>i paste the code of the script Prueba.gs</P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000>function prueba(args)<BR>* Only argument is the name of the file to open<BR> if (args!='') <BR> openfile=subwrd(args,1)<BR> endif<BR>* Add ".ctl" to the filename if it's not already there<BR> len = math_strlen(openfile)<BR> if (len >= 4)<BR> tail = substr(openfile,len-3,4)<BR> else <BR> tail = openfile<BR> endif<BR> if (tail != '.ctl')<BR> openfile = openfile%'.ctl'<BR> endif<BR> 'open 'openfile<BR> 'set lat 97 211'<BR> 'set lon 82 100'<BR> 'set fwrite -le Fabiana.txt'<BR> 'set gxout fwrite'<BR> 'd prec'<BR> 'disable fwrite'</FONT></P>
<P> </P>