Hello GrADS Users, i have a question with tha <a href="http://meteorogram.gs">meteorogram.gs</a> because i have output files of the WRF models with core NMM and i want to make a meteorogram, but when i run the script (<a href="http://meteorogram.gs">
meteorogram.gs</a>) wrf doesn't is a option, but i continue running the script and this is the error:<br><br clear="all">ga-> run /root/Desktop/meteorogram.gs <br> <br>Check the URL <a href="http://cola8.iges.org:9090/dods/">
http://cola8.iges.org:9090/dods/</a><br>for a list of all available forecasts.<br> <br>Enter forecast model (avn, avni, avnb, eta) --> <span style="font-weight: bold;">gfs</span><br>Enter forecast date (mmddhh) --> 050112
<br>Enter longitude --> -66.5<br>Enter latitude --> 9.5 <br>Enter location name --> Caracas<br>Metric units? [y/n] --> y<br>Include stability indices? [y/n] --> y<br>No hardcopy metafile open<br>All files closed; all defined objects released
<br>All GrADS attributes have been reinitialized<br>Unknown command: sdfopen<br><br>ga-> run /root/Desktop/meteorogram.gs <br> <br>Check the URL <a href="http://cola8.iges.org:9090/dods/">http://cola8.iges.org:9090/dods/
</a><br>for a list of all available forecasts.<br> <br>Enter forecast model (avn, avni, avnb, eta) --> eta<br>Enter forecast date (mmddhh) --> 050112<br>Enter longitude --> -66.5<br>Enter latitude --> 9.5<br>Enter location name --> caracas
<br>Metric units? [y/n] --> y<br>Include stability indices? [y/n] --> y<br>No hardcopy metafile open<br>All files closed; all defined objects released<br>All GrADS attributes have been reinitialized<br>Unknown command: sdfopen
<br>ga-> <br><br>In the first part i put gfs (Bold type) because my initialization data from WRF model is of GFS, but this not ran... Now i want to run again but i put ETA for i can to see that pass and it gives me the same error...
<br><br>Can you help me with this???<br>Thanks...<br>regards...<br><br>-- <br>Ing. Rafael E. Mundaray M.