I would like to find out, from anybody who have used the mconv.gs script to compute vertically integrated moisture convergence, if the final units are in mm or not?<br><br>Thanks<br><br>george<br><br><br><b><i>Leila Maria Merce de Albuquerque <leilamma@NIN.UFMS.BR></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> hi,<br>Iwould like to know how it works to you. When I have tried it has failed many times. May<br> I check your ctl?<br>tahank you<br>Leila<br><br>--<br>Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS<br><br><br>---------- Original Message -----------<br>From: Chi Nguyen <Chi.Nguyen@SCI.MONASH.EDU.AU><br>To: GRADSUSR@LIST.CINECA.IT<br>Sent: Thu, 17 May 2007 14:26:42 +1000<br>Subject: Re: opening multiple nc files<br><br>> Hi,<br>><br>> I would suggest that you create a ctl file to be opened by xdfopen command,<br>> and use OPTIONS template. It works for
me!<br>><br>> Good luck!<br>><br>> Mai<br>><br>> Sachin Ghude <sachinghude@TROPMET.RES.IN> wrote:><br>> > Dear all,<br>> ><br>> > I have multiple (365) nc files for daily average values. I am using<br>> > SDFOPEN to view the data files. I want to plot time series for a<br>> > particular grid location.<br>> ><br>> > Would somebody please advice me How to access all the file using single<br>> > command to plot a time series.<br>> ><br>> > Thanks in advance<br>> ><br>> > Sachin D Ghude<br>> --<br>> *********************************<br>> Nguyen Chi Mai<br>> School of Mathematical Sciences<br>> R. 462, Bld. 28, Clayton Campus<br>> Monash University<br>> Work Ph. +61 3 9905 4424<br>><br>> --<br>> Esta mensagem foi verificada pelo sistema de antivírus e<br>> acredita-se estar livre de perigo.<br>------- End of Original Message
-------<br><br><br>--<br>Esta mensagem foi verificada pelo sistema de antivírus e<br> acredita-se estar livre de perigo.<br></sachinghude@TROPMET.RES.IN></Chi.Nguyen@SCI.MONASH.EDU.AU></blockquote><br><p> 
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