Hello other time my GrADS Users, i have output files of WRF NMM... and i am using wrfpostandgrads... In this program i have a scripts for once products of GrADS, I am now interesting in obtain Stability Index...<br>The Index KI has the following equation:
<br> KI = Temperature to 850 hpa - Dew Point to 850 hpa - (Temperature to 700 hpa - Dew Point to 700 hpa) - Temperature to 500 hpa<br><br>The Index TT has the following equation:<br> TT = Temperature to 850 hpa + Dew Point to 850 hpa - 2*Temperature to 500 hpa
<br><br>The Index CAP has the following equation:<br> CAP = Air Temperature in the Free Convection Level - Temperature of the Free Convection Level<br><br>The Index Thompson has the following equation:<br> TI = KI - LI
<br><br>How i show the images of these indexs???<br>Look the following script more or less is the srcipt that i am using for display this Index, but i don't know how i obtain this images???????<br><br>'set mpdset hires'
<br>'set map 1 1 10'<br>'set grads off'<br>'set timelab off'<br>'set gxout shaded'<br>'d ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????'<br>'cbar'<br>'draw title Indice KI ${NEWDATA}'
<br>'printim images/Indice_KI_${fhr}_${domain}.gif gif' <br><br>Can you help me??????????????<br>Thanks<br>Regards................>!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br>-- <br>Ing. Rafael E. Mundaray M.