I am attempting to create a .dat file and .ctl file for use in creating
radius-height (r-z) plots in Grads. I have 4 different times and the
dimensions of the data are 32 points in the radial direction and 30 points in
the vertical direction. Suppose that I want to create a r-z plot of
temperature. This is what I have done:<br /><br />DO T=1,4 !T=time
counter<br /><br /><p>
WRITE(541,REC=C) (R(I,T),I=1,IR) !R=radius,
IR=32<br /> WRITE(541,REC=C) (Z(K,T),K=1,KX)
!Z=height, KX=30</p><p> WRITE(541,REC=C)
((T_GRADS(K,I,C),K=1,KX),I=1,IR) !T_GRADS = temperature</p><p> </p><p>END
DO</p><p> </p><p>Now, my .ctl file looks
like:</p><p>DSET 0.3sf_grads.dat<br />byteswapped<br
/>TITLE Sample<br
/>UNDEF -9999<br
/>XDEF 30 linear 1 1<br
/>YDEF 32 linear 1 1<br
/>ZDEF 1 linear 1 1<br
4 linear 12:00Z15SEP1999 180MN<br
/>vars 3<br />z 0 99 height<br
/>r 0 99 radius<br />t_az 0
99 TEMP AZ. AVG.<br />endvars<br /></p><p>When I attempt to create my r-z
plot, I get a field is constant, value=0 error. What am I doing wrong
here. Any help/advice in fixing this problem would be most
appreciated. Thanks,</p><br /><p> </p><p>Jeff<br /></p><p>
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