program clhilo parameter(nimax=642,njmax=320,nijmax=nimax*njmax) real vals(20),ovals(20) character fmt*6,pfmt*8,qtitle*24 character*23 udftdir/'/user/meteo/grads/udft/'/ logical verb dimension fld_in(nijmax),xin(nimax),yin(njmax) data pfmt/'( )'/ verb=.false. c c gfi - input file to the program with the grads data object c c gfo - output file to be read by grads c iunit_in=8 iunit_out=10 iunit_diag=12 c iunit_diag=6 iunit_mm=13 open (iunit_in,file=udftdir//'udf.clhilo.gfi',status='unknown', $ form='unformatted',err=810) if (ios .ne. 0) then print *,' Errore di apertura del file di output ' print *,'udf.clhilo.gfo' call exit() endif open (iunit_out,file=udftdir//'udf.clhilo.gfo',status='unknown', $ form='unformatted',iostat=ios) if (ios .ne. 0) then print *,' Errore di apertura del file di output ' print *,'udf.clhilo.gfo' call exit() endif open (iunit_diag,file=udftdir//'udf.clhilo.out', $ form='formatted',status='unknown',iostat=ios) if (ios .ne. 0) then print *,' Errore di apertura del file di output ' print *,'udf.clhilo.out' call exit() endif open (iunit_mm,file=udftdir//'udf.clhilo.vals', $ form='formatted',status='unknown',iostat=ios) if (ios .ne. 0) then print *,' Errore di apertura del file di output ' print *,'udf.clhilo.vals' call exit() endif c c the first record contains number of args c and other parameters for future implementations c read (iunit_in) vals nargs=nint(vals(1)) if(verb) $ write(iunit_diag,*) 'number of arguments = ',nargs c c stop if not one argument c if( then ovals(1)=1.0 write(*,12) 12 format(' ',/ $ /' ','clhilo requires 5 arguments only!!', $ /' ',' ') go to 999 endif c c the second record is the field ("expr" in the user defined c function table) and has is input using four reads c c grid record 1 c read(iunit_in,err=820) vals c c grid parameters c undef=vals(1) itype=nint(vals(2)) jtype=nint(vals(3)) nii=nint(vals(4)) nji=nint(vals(5)) niji=nii*nji xbegi=vals(8) dxi=vals(9) ybegi=vals(10) dyi=vals(11) if(verb) $ write(iunit_diag,17) itype,jtype,nii,nji,niji 17 format(' ...itype,jtype,nii,nji,niji=',5i5) if(verb) $ write(iunit_diag,19) nint(vals(6)),nint(vals(7)) 19 format(' ...vals(6),vals(7)=',2i5) c c barf if the array is not 2 dimensional c if( then write(*,22) 22 format(' ',/ $ /' ','clhilo deals only with horizontal fields:', $ /' ',' ') go to 999 endif c c grid record #2 is the data c call read_grid(iunit_in,fld_in,niji,istat) if( go to 820 qtitle='input field from grads ' if(verb) $ write(iunit_diag,103) (fld_in(ii),ii=1,10) 103 format(' ...input field is',/,2x,10e12.3) c call qprntu(fld_in,qtitle,undef,1,1,nii,nji,4,iunit_diag) c read i/j scaling records if(itype .ge. 0) then call read_grid(iunit_in,xin,nii,istat) else do ii=1,nii xin(ii)=xbegi+(ii-1)*dxi enddo endif if(jtype .ge. 0) then call read_grid(iunit_in,yin,nji,istat) else do jj=1,nji yin(jj)=ybegi+(jj-1)*dyi enddo endif c c------------------------------------------------------------ c c read arguments after the grid c c------------------------------------------------------------ c c nargs=nargs-1 c do i=1,nargs c read (iunit_in,err=832) args(i) c end do read(iunit_in) rmm read(iunit_in) rad read(iunit_in) cint read(iunit_in) fmt maxmin=nint(rmm) if(verb) $ write(iunit_diag,1515) rmm,rad,cint,maxmin,fmt 1515 format(' ...rmm=',e12.5,'rad=',e12.5,'cint=',e12.5, 1 ' maxmin=',i4,' fmt=',a,'...') pfmt(2:7)=fmt nijo=niji c c process data c call hilopr(fld_in,nii,nji,maxmin,iunit_mm,xin,yin,rad,cint, $ fmt,verb) close (unit=iunit_mm,status='keep') ovals(1)=1.0 ovals(2)=0.0 write(iunit_out) ovals write(iunit_out) vals if(verb) $ write(iunit_diag,153) (fld_in(ii),ii=1,10) 153 format(' ...output field is ',/,2x,10e12.3) if(verb) $ write(iunit_diag,157) (vals(ii),ii=1,20) 157 format(' ...output vals are ',2(/,2x,10e12.3)) call write_grid(iunit_out,fld_in,nijo) c write i/j scaling records if(itype .ge. 0) call write_grid(iunit_out,xin,nii) if(jtype .ge. 0) call write_grid(iunit_out,yin,nji) stop c c error conditions c 810 continue ovals(1) = 810. write(iunit_diag,*) ' ' write(iunit_diag,*) 'clhilo error 810' write(iunit_diag,*) 'unable to open the grads input file to ', 1 'clhilo' write(iunit_diag,*) ' ' go to 999 820 continue ovals(1) = 820. write(iunit_diag,*) ' ' write(iunit_diag,*) 'clhilo error 820' write(iunit_diag,*) 'the first argument to regrid is not a grid' write(iunit_diag,*) ' ' go to 999 832 continue ovals(1) = 832. write(iunit_diag,*) ' ' write(iunit_diag,*) 'clhilo error 832' write(iunit_diag,*) 'arguments must be numbers' write(iunit_diag,*) ' ' go to 999 999 continue write(iunit_out) ovals stop end subroutine read_grid(iunit,a,nij,istat) dimension a(nij) istat=1 read(iunit,err=800) a go to 999 800 continue istat=0 999 continue return end subroutine write_grid(iunit,a,nij) dimension a(nij) write(iunit) a return end c c$$$ subprogram documentation block c . . . . c subprogram: sindb sine function from degrees input c prgmmr: s. j. lord org: w/nmc22 date: 91-06-06 c c abstract: sine function from degrees input. c c program history log: c 91-06-06 s. j. lord c yy-mm-dd modifier1 description of change c yy-mm-dd modifier2 description of change c c usage: call pgm-name(inarg1, inarg2, wrkarg, outarg1, ... ) c input argument list: c inarg1 - generic description, including content, units, c inarg2 - type. explain function if control variable. c c output argument list: (including work arrays) c wrkarg - generic description, etc., as above. c outarg1 - explain completely if error return c errflag - even if many lines are needed c c input files: (delete if no input files in subprogram) c ddname1 - generic name & content c c output files: (delete if no output files in subprogram) c ddname2 - generic name & content as above c ft06f001 - include if any printout c c remarks: list caveats, other helpful hints or information c c attributes: c language: indicate extensions, compiler options c machine: nas, cyber, whatever c c$$$ function sindb(arg) c degrad converts degrees to radians data degrad/0.017453/ sindb=sin(arg*degrad) return end c c$$$ subprogram documentation block c . . . . c subprogram: cosdb cosine function from degrees input c prgmmr: s. j. lord org: w/nmc22 date: 91-06-06 c c abstract: returns cosine function from degrees input c c program history log: c 91-06-06 s. j. lord c yy-mm-dd modifier1 description of change c yy-mm-dd modifier2 description of change c c usage: call pgm-name(inarg1, inarg2, wrkarg, outarg1, ... ) c input argument list: c inarg1 - generic description, including content, units, c inarg2 - type. explain function if control variable. c c output argument list: (including work arrays) c wrkarg - generic description, etc., as above. c outarg1 - explain completely if error return c errflag - even if many lines are needed c c input files: (delete if no input files in subprogram) c ddname1 - generic name & content c c output files: (delete if no output files in subprogram) c ddname2 - generic name & content as above c ft06f001 - include if any printout c c remarks: list caveats, other helpful hints or information c c attributes: c language: indicate extensions, compiler options c machine: nas, cyber, whatever c c$$$ function cosdb(arg) c degrad converts degrees to radians data degrad/0.017453/ cosdb=cos(arg*degrad) return end subroutine hilopr(a,ni,nj,mm,iunit_mm,xin,yin,rad,cint, $ fmt,verb) parameter (nmax=2000,nmin=nmax) dimension a(ni,nj),xin(ni),yin(nj) dimension xmax(nmax),ymax(nmax),xmin(nmin),ymin(nmin), 1 valmax(nmax),valmin(nmin),ihisrt(nmax),ilosrt(nmax) character fmt*6,cout*10 data rmis/-99999999.9/ logical verb rad=rad*1000. nhi=0 nlo=0 nhimax=0 nlomax=0 if(mm .ge. 0) then do j=2,nj-1 do i=2,ni-1 if(a(i,j) .ge. a(i+1,j ) .and. 1 a(i,j) .ge. a(i+1,j+1) .and. 2 a(i,j) .ge. a(i ,j+1) .and. 3 a(i,j) .ge. a(i-1,j+1) .and. 4 a(i,j) .gt. a(i-1,j ) .and. 5 a(i,j) .gt. a(i-1,j-1) .and. 6 a(i,j) .gt. a(i ,j-1) .and. 7 a(i,j) .gt. a(i+1,j-1)) then if(nhi .lt. nmax) then nhi=nhi+1 dxinumc=a(i+1,j)-a(i-1,j) dxidenc=2.0*(a(i+1,j)-2.0*a(i,j)+a(i-1,j)) if(abs(dxinumc) .gt. 0.5*abs(dxidenc)) then dxi=0.0 ximax=xin(i) else dxi=-dxinumc/dxidenc ximax=xin(i)+dxi endif dyjnumc=a(i,j+1)-a(i,j-1) dyjdenc=2.0*(a(i,j+1)-2.0*a(i,j)+a(i,j-1)) if(abs(dyjnumc) .gt. 0.5*abs(dyjdenc)) then dyj=0.0 yjmax=yin(j) else dyj=-dyjnumc/dyjdenc yjmax=yin(j)+dyj endif dxinumu=a(i+1,j+1)-a(i-1,j+1) dxinumd=a(i+1,j-1)-a(i-1,j-1) dxidenu=2.0*(a(i+1,j+1)-2.0*a(i,j+1)+a(i-1,j+1)) dxidend=2.0*(a(i+1,j-1)-2.0*a(i,j-1)+a(i-1,j-1)) xintc=a(i,j)+0.5*dxi*(dxinumc+dxi*dxidenc) xintu=a(i,j+1)+0.5*dxi*(dxinumu+dxi*dxidenu) xintd=a(i,j-1)+0.5*dxi*(dxinumd+dxi*dxidend) valij=xintc+0.5*dyj*(xintu-xintd+dyj*(xintu- 1 2.0*xintc+xintd)) c write(6,1211) a(i-1,j+1),a(i,j+1),a(i+1,j+1) c 1211 format(' ...a(i-1,j+1),a(i,j+1),a(i+1,j+1)=',3f12.4) c write(6,1212) a(i-1,j),a(i,j),a(i+1,j) c 1212 format(' ...a(i-1,j),a(i,j),a(i+1,j)=',6x,3f12.4) c write(6,1213) a(i-1,j-1),a(i,j-1),a(i+1,j-1) c 1213 format(' ...a(i-1,j-1),a(i,j-1),a(i+1,j-1)=',3f12.4) c write(6,1214) ximax,yjmax,valij c 1214 format(' ...ximax,yjmax,valij=',3f12.3) xmax(nhi)=ximax ymax(nhi)=yjmax valmax(nhi)=valij c write(6,1316) nhi,xmax(nhi),ymax(nhi),valmax(nhi) c 1316 format(' ...nhi,xmax,ymax,valmax=',f12.3) else write(6,1315) nmax 1315 format(' ******nhi exceeds nmax=',i4) endif endif enddo enddo nhimax=nhi c sort max values call sortrl(valmax(1),ihisrt(1),nhimax) if(verb) then write(6,*) ' # maxval index x y' do nhi=nhimax,1,-1 write(6,5649) nhi,valmax(nhi), $ ihisrt(nhi),xmax(ihisrt(nhi)), $ ymax(ihisrt(nhi)) 5649 format(' ',i4,f12.3,i4,2f12.3) enddo endif do nhi=nhimax,1,-1 if(valmax(nhi) .ne. rmis) then if(verb) write(6,5678) ihisrt(nhi),valmax(nhi) 5678 format(' ...sorted max, ihisrt,valmax=',i4,f12.3) do ntest=nhi-1,1,-1 if(valmax(ntest) .ne. rmis) then dis=distsp(ymax(ihisrt(nhi)),xmax(ihisrt(nhi)), 1 ymax(ihisrt(ntest)),xmax(ihisrt(ntest))) if(dis .lt. rad .and. abs(valmax(nhi)- 1 valmax(ntest)) .le. cint) then valmax(ntest)=rmis if(verb) write(6,5683) ntest 5683 format(' ......valmax for ntest=',i5,' is removed.') endif endif enddo endif enddo endif if(mm .le. 0) then do j=2,nj-1 do i=2,ni-1 if(a(i,j) .le. a(i+1,j ) .and. 1 a(i,j) .le. a(i+1,j+1) .and. 2 a(i,j) .le. a(i ,j+1) .and. 3 a(i,j) .le. a(i-1,j+1) .and. 4 a(i,j) .lt. a(i-1,j ) .and. 5 a(i,j) .lt. a(i-1,j-1) .and. 6 a(i,j) .lt. a(i ,j-1) .and. 7 a(i,j) .lt. a(i+1,j-1)) then c write(6,21) i,j,a(i,j),xin(i),yin(j),fmt,fmt(1:1) c 21 format(' ...min: i,j,a(i,j)=',2i4,e12.3,2f9.3,' fmt=',a, c 1 '...fmt(1:1)=',a) if(nlo .lt. nmax) then nlo=nlo+1 dxinumc=a(i+1,j)-a(i-1,j) dxidenc=2.0*(a(i+1,j)-2.0*a(i,j)+a(i-1,j)) if(abs(dxinumc) .gt. 0.5*abs(dxidenc)) then dxi=0.0 ximin=xin(i) else dxi=-dxinumc/dxidenc ximin=xin(i)+dxi endif dyjnumc=a(i,j+1)-a(i,j-1) dyjdenc=2.0*(a(i,j+1)-2.0*a(i,j)+a(i,j-1)) if(abs(dyjnumc) .gt. 0.5*abs(dyjdenc)) then dyj=0.0 yjmin=yin(j) else dyj=-dyjnumc/dyjdenc yjmin=yin(j)+dyj endif dxinumu=a(i+1,j+1)-a(i-1,j+1) dxinumd=a(i+1,j-1)-a(i-1,j-1) dxidenu=2.0*(a(i+1,j+1)-2.0*a(i,j+1)+a(i-1,j+1)) dxidend=2.0*(a(i+1,j-1)-2.0*a(i,j-1)+a(i-1,j-1)) xintc=a(i,j)+0.5*dxi*(dxinumc+dxi*dxidenc) xintu=a(i,j+1)+0.5*dxi*(dxinumu+dxi*dxidenu) xintd=a(i,j-1)+0.5*dxi*(dxinumd+dxi*dxidend) valij=xintc+0.5*dyj*(xintu-xintd+dyj*(xintu- 1 2.0*xintc+xintd)) c write(6,1211) a(i-1,j+1),a(i,j+1),a(i+1,j+1) c write(6,1212) a(i-1,j),a(i,j),a(i+1,j) c write(6,1213) a(i-1,j-1),a(i,j-1),a(i+1,j-1) c write(6,1214) ximin,yjmin,valij xmin(nlo)=ximin ymin(nlo)=yjmin valmin(nlo)=valij else write(6,1317) nmax 1317 format(' ******nlo exceeds nmax=',i4) endif endif enddo enddo nlomax=nlo call sortrl(valmin(1),ilosrt(1),nlomax) if(verb) then write(6,*) ' # minval index x y' do nlo=1,nlomax write(6,6649) nlo,valmin(nlo), $ ilosrt(nlo),xmin(ilosrt(nlo)), $ ymin(ilosrt(nlo)) 6649 format(' ',i4,f12.3,i4,2f12.3) enddo endif do nlo=1,nlomax if(valmin(nlo) .ne. rmis) then if(verb) write(6,6678) nlo,ilosrt(nlo),valmin(nlo) 6678 format(' ...sorted min, nlo,ilosrt,valmin=',2i4,f12.3) do ntest=nlo+1,nlomax if(valmin(ntest) .ne. rmis) then dis=distsp(ymin(ilosrt(nlo)),xmin(ilosrt(nlo)), 1 ymin(ilosrt(ntest)),xmin(ilosrt(ntest))) if(dis .lt. rad .and. abs(valmin(nlo)- 1 valmin(ntest)) .le. cint) then valmin(ntest)=rmis if(verb) write(6,6683) ntest 6683 format(' ......valmin for ntest=',i5,' is removed.') endif endif enddo endif enddo endif c-------------- c for proximate highs and lows, we decide in favor of the lows do nhi=1,nhimax if(valmax(nhi) .ne. rmis) then if(verb) write(6,7678) ihisrt(nhi),valmax(nhi) 7678 format(' ...sorted max, ihisrt,valmax=',i4,f12.3) do ntest=1,nlomax if(valmin(ntest) .ne. rmis) then dis=distsp(ymax(ihisrt(nhi)),xmax(ihisrt(nhi)), 1 ymin(ilosrt(ntest)),xmin(ilosrt(ntest))) if(dis .lt. rad) then valmax(nhi)=rmis if(verb) write(6,7683) nhi 7683 format(' ......valmax for nhi=',i5,' is removed.') endif endif enddo endif enddo c------------------ do nhi=nhimax,1,-1 if(valmax(nhi) .ne. rmis) then if(fmt(1:1) .eq. "f" .or. fmt(1:1) .eq. 'f') then write(cout,'('//fmt//')') valmax(nhi) write(iunit_mm,15) xmax(ihisrt(nhi)),ymax(ihisrt(nhi)),cout 15 format('max',2f9.3,1x,a) else if (fmt(1:1) .eq. "i" .or. fmt(1:1) .eq. 'i') then write(cout,'('//fmt//')') nint(valmax(nhi)) write(iunit_mm,15) xmax(ihisrt(nhi)),ymax(ihisrt(nhi)),cout else if(verb) write(6,19) fmt,fmt(1:1) 19 format(' ...format not allowed, fmt,fmt(1:1)=', 1 2(a,'...')) endif endif enddo do nlo=1,nlomax if(valmin(nlo) .ne. rmis) then if(fmt(1:1) .eq. "f" .or. fmt(1:1) .eq. 'f') then write(cout,'('//fmt//')') valmin(nlo) write(iunit_mm,25) xmin(ilosrt(nlo)),ymin(ilosrt(nlo)),cout 25 format('min',2f9.3,1x,a) else if (fmt(1:1) .eq. "i" .or. fmt(1:1) .eq. 'i') then write(cout,'('//fmt//')') nint(valmin(nlo)) write(iunit_mm,25) xmin(ilosrt(nlo)),ymin(ilosrt(nlo)),cout else if(verb) write(6,29) fmt,fmt(1:1) 29 format(' ...format not allowed, fmt,fmt(1:1)=', 1 2(a,'...')) endif endif enddo return end c$$$ subprogram documentation block c . . . . c subprogram: sortrl sorts real numbers c prgmmr: s. j. lord org: w/nmc22 date: 91-06-04 c c abstract: sorts real numbers. output array is the index of c the input values that are sorted. c c program history log: c 91-06-04 s. j. lord (modified from ncar code) c c usage: call sortrl(a,la,nl) c input argument list: c a - array of elements to be sorted. c nl - number of elements to be sorted. c c output argument list: (including work arrays) c la - integer array containing the index of the sorted c - elements. sorting is from small to large. e.g. c - la(1) contains the index of the smallest element in c - array. la(nl) contains the index of the largest. c c c remarks: none c c attributes: c language: fortran 77 c machine: any c c$$$ subroutine sortrl(a,la,nl) c c entry sortrl(a,la,nl) sort up real numbers c ** revised (6/13/84) for the use in vax-11 c arguments ... c a input array of nl elements to be sorted or re-ordered c la output array of nl elements in which the original location c of the sorted elements of a are saved, or c input array to specify the reordering of array a by sorted c nl the number of elements to be treated c save c dimension a(nl),la(nl),ls1(64),ls2(64) data nsx/64/,warned/-1./ c c set the original order in la c 5 do 6 l=1,nl 6 la(l)=l c c separate negatives from positives c 10 l = 0 m = nl + 1 12 l = l + 1 if( go to 19 13 if(a(l)) 12,15,15 15 m = m - 1 if( go to 19 16 if(a(m)) 18,15,15 18 az = a(m) a(m) = a(l) a(l) = az lz = la(m) la(m) = la(l) la(l) = lz go to 12 19 l = l - 1 lnegx=l 2019 continue c c note that min and max for interval (1,nl) have not been determined c ls1(1) = 0 l2 = nl + 1 ns = 1 c c step up c 20 ls1(ns) = ls1(ns) + 1 ls2(ns) = l ns = ns + 1 if( go to 80 l1 = l + 1 ls1(ns) = l1 l2 = l2 - 1 go to 40 c c step down c 30 ns=ns-1 if (ns.le.0) go to 90 l1 = ls1(ns) l2 = ls2(ns) 40 if(l2.le.l1) go to 30 c c find max and min of the interval (l1,l2) c 50 if (a(l1)-a(l2) .le. 0) go to 52 an = a(l2) ln = l2 ax = a(l1) lx = l1 go to 54 52 an = a(l1) ln = l1 ax = a(l2) lx = l2 54 l1a = l1 + 1 l2a = l2 - 1 if( go to 60 c do 58 l=l1a,l2a if (a(l)-ax .gt. 0) go to 56 if (a(l)-an .ge. 0) go to 58 an = a(l) ln = l go to 58 56 ax = a(l) lx = l 58 continue c c if all elements are equal (an=ax), step down c 60 if (an .eq. ax) go to 30 c c place min at l1, and max at l2 c if either ln=l2 or lx=l1, first exchange l1 and l2 c if(ln.eq.l2.or.lx.eq.l1) go to 62 go to 64 62 az=a(l1) a(l1)=a(l2) a(l2)=az lz=la(l1) la(l1)=la(l2) la(l2)=lz c c min to l1, if ln is not at either end c 64 if(ln.eq.l1.or.ln.eq.l2) go to 66 a(ln)=a(l1) a(l1)=an lz=la(ln) la(ln)=la(l1) la(l1)=lz c c max to l2, if lx is not at either end c 66 if(lx.eq.l2.or.lx.eq.l1) go to 68 a(lx)=a(l2) a(l2)=ax lz=la(lx) la(lx)=la(l2) la(l2)=lz c c if only three elements in (l1,l2), step down. c 68 if( go to 30 c c set a criterion to split the interval (l1a,l2a) c ac is an approximate arithmetic average of ax and an, c provided that ax is greater than an. (it is the case, here) c ** if a is distributed exponentially, geometric mean may c be more efficient c ac = (ax+an)/2 c c min at l1 and max at l2 are outside the interval c l = l1 m = l2 72 l = l + 1 if( go to 78 73 if (a(l)-ac .le. 0) go to 72 75 m = m - 1 if( go to 78 76 if (a(m)-ac .gt. 0) go to 75 az = a(m) a(m) = a(l) a(l) = az lz = la(m) la(m) = la(l) la(l) = lz go to 72 c c since 75 is entered only if 73 is false, 75 is not tentative c but 72 is tentative, and must be corrected if no false 76 occurs c 78 l = l - 1 go to 20 80 write(6,85) nsx 85 format('0 === sorting incomplete. split exceeded',i3,' ===',/) 90 return end c c$$$ subprogram documentation block c . . . . c subprogram: distsp distance on great circle c prgmmr: s. j. lord org: w/nmc22 date: 91-06-06 c c abstract: calculates distance on great circle between two lat/lon c points. c c program history log: c 91-06-06 s. j. lord c yy-mm-dd modifier1 description of change c yy-mm-dd modifier2 description of change c c usage: dxy=distsp(dlat1,dlon1,dlat2,dlon2) c input argument list: c dlat1 - latitude of point 1 (-90<=lat<=90) c dlon1 - longitude of point 1 (-180 to 180 or 0 to 360) c dlat2 - latitude of point 2 (-90<=lat<=90) c dlon1 - longitude of point 2 c c c remarks: distance is in meters c c attributes: c language: indicate extensions, compiler options c machine: nas, cyber, whatever c c$$$ function distsp(dlat1,dlon1,dlat2,dlon2) data rearth/6.37e6/ c xxd=cosdb(dlon1-dlon2)*cosdb(dlat1)*cosdb(dlat2)+ 1 sindb(dlat1)*sindb(dlat2) c xxm=amin1(1.0,amax1(-1.0,xxd)) c distsp=acos(xxm)*rearth return end