#!/usr/bin/perl -w # makes a GrADS control file for grib files # # requires wgrib and Perl5 # # usage: grib2ctl [options] [grib file] [optional index file] >[control file] # # note: this script does not make the index file .. you have to run gribmap # # Analyses: (using initial time) # # $ grib2ctl.pl example.grib >example.ctl # $ gribmap -i example.ctl -0 # # Forecasts: (using verifiation time) # # $ grib2ctl.pl -verf example.grib >example.ctl # $ gribmap -i example.ctl # # bugs: # many # will fail under number of situations # finite number of NCEP grids are supported # # requires wgrib 1.7.4 or higher # wesley ebisuzaki, # http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/wesley/grib2ctl.html # # # added output for rotated LatLon grids # Helmut P. Frank, Helmut.Frank@dwd.de # Fri Sep 14 13:54:00 GMT 2001 # -ts, -lc options: Ag Stephens, BADC 3/2003 $version=""; use POSIX; # ***** if wgrib is not on path, add it here #$wgrib='/u/wx51we/bin/wgrib'; $wgrib='wgrib'; # **** directory of interpolation files $pdef_dir='/usr/local/lib/grads'; #$pdef_dir='/u/wx51we/home/grads'; $wflag=""; $file=""; $index=""; $prs="prs"; $suffix=""; $z_order="prs"; $model="GFS"; $calendar=""; $lc=""; $soil_model="OSU"; $global_map=""; $timestep=""; $rr=""; $nearest_neighbor=""; $kludge=""; $template=""; foreach $_ (@ARGV) { SWITCH: { /^-verf/ && do { $wflag="$wflag -verf" ; last SWITCH; }; /^-ncep_opn/ && do { $wflag="$wflag -ncep_opn" ; last SWITCH; }; /^-ncep_rean/ && do { $wflag="$wflag -ncep_rean" ; last SWITCH; }; /^-no_prs/ && do { $prs="" ; last SWITCH; }; /^-no_suffix/ && do { $suffix="no" ; last SWITCH; }; /^-rev_z/ && do { $z_order="theta"; last SWITCH; }; /^-365/ && do { $calendar="365"; last SWITCH; }; /^-ts(\d+\w+)/ && do { $timestep=$1; last SWITCH; }; /^-lc$/ && do { $lc="on"; last SWITCH; }; /^-rr_nn$/ && do { $rr="on"; $nearest_neighbor="on"; $model="ETA"; $soil_model="NOAH"; last SWITCH; }; /^-rr$/ && do { $rr="on"; $model="ETA"; $soil_model="NOAH"; last SWITCH; }; /^-eta$/ && do { $model="ETA"; $soil_model="NOAH"; last SWITCH; }; /^-mrf$/ && do { $model="GFS"; $soil_model="OSU"; last SWITCH; }; /^-gfs$/ && do { $model="GFS"; $soil_model="OSU"; last SWITCH; }; /^-ruc$/ && do { $model="RUC"; last SWITCH; }; /^-global$/ && do { $global_map = "on"; last SWITCH; }; /^-noah$/ && do { $soil_model="NOAH"; $wflag="$wflag -ncep_opn"; last SWITCH; }; /^-osu/ && do { $soil_model="OSU"; last SWITCH; }; /^-kludge/ && do { $kludge="on"; last SWITCH; }; /^-/ && do { print STDERR "unknown option: $_\n"; exit 8; }; if ($file eq "") { $file="$_"; } else { $index="$_"; } } } if ("$file" eq "") { if ($#ARGV >= 0) { print STDERR "*** missing grib file ***\n\n\n"; } print STDERR "$0 $version wesley ebisuzaki\n"; print STDERR " makes a Grads control file for grib files\n"; print STDERR " usage: $0 [options] [grib file] [optional index file] >[ctl file]\n"; print STDERR " -ncep_opn .. use NCEP opn grib table for T62 NCEP fields\n"; print STDERR " -ncep_rean .. use NCEP reanalysis grib table for T62 NCEP fields\n"; print STDERR " -verf .. use forecast verification times\n"; print STDERR " -no_prs .. no prs suffix on variable name\n"; print STDERR " -no_suffix .. no suffix on variable name\n"; print STDERR " -rev_z .. for reversed vertical coordinates like theta\n"; print STDERR " -365 .. 365 day calendar\n"; print STDERR " -ts[timestep] .. set timestep for individual time files (e.g. -ts6hr)\n"; print STDERR " -lc .. set lowercase option for parameter names\n"; print STDERR " -eta .. ETA model levels\n"; print STDERR " -gfs .. GFS (MRF) model level (default)\n"; print STDERR " -noah .. NOAH model levels\n"; print STDERR " -osu .. OSU model levels (default)\n"; print STDERR " -ruc .. RUC levels\n"; exit 8; } $_ = $file; if (/%y4/ || /%y2/ || /%m2/ || /%m1/ || /%d2/ || /%d1/ || /%h2/ || /%h1/ || /%f2/ || /%f3/) { $template='on'; } if (-d "c:\\") { $ListA="c:\\g$$.tmp"; $TmpFile="c:\\h$$.tmp"; unlink ($ListA, $TmpFile); $sys="win"; } else { $ListA="/tmp/g$$.tmp"; $TmpFile="/dev/null"; unlink $ListA; $sys="unix"; } # ctlfilename = name used by control file (different for template option( # file = file name (of first matching file( $ctlfilename=$file; # inventory of All records if ($template eq "on") { $gfile=$file; if ($sys eq 'win') { $gfile =~ s=\\=/=g; } $gfile =~ s/%y4/\\d{4}/g; $gfile =~ s/%y2/\\d{2}/g; $gfile =~ s/%m2/\\d{2}/g; $gfile =~ s/%m1/\\d{1,2}/g; $gfile =~ s/%d2/\\d{2}/g; $gfile =~ s/%d1/\\d{1,2}/g; $gfile =~ s/%h2/\\d{2}/g; $gfile =~ s/%h1/\\d{1,2}/g; $gfile =~ s/%h3/\\d{3}/g; $gfile =~ s/%f2/\\d{2,3}/g; $gfile =~ s/%f3/\\d{3}/g; $dir=$gfile; $dir =~ s=(/*)[^/]*$=$1=; if ($dir eq "") { opendir(DIR,'.'); } else { opendir(DIR,$dir); } @allfiles = sort grep /^$gfile$/, readdir DIR; closedir DIR; if ($#allfiles <= -1 ) { print STDERR "\nError: could not find any files in directory: $dir\n"; exit 8; } $file="$dir$allfiles[0]"; if ($sys eq 'win') { $file =~ s=/=\\=g; } # make inventory of first two files and last file # need to get dt and last date system "$wgrib $wflag -v $dir$allfiles[0] >$ListA"; if ($#allfiles >= 1) { system "$wgrib $wflag -v $dir$allfiles[1] >>$ListA"; } if ($#allfiles >= 2) { system "$wgrib $wflag -v $dir$allfiles[$#allfiles] >>$ListA"; } } else { system "$wgrib $wflag -v $file >$ListA"; } if ( ! -s $ListA ) { print STDERR "Big problem:\n"; print STDERR " either $file is missing or not a grib file\n"; print STDERR " or wgrib is not on your path\n"; exit 8; } # make table of dates and variables open (FileDate, "<$ListA"); while (defined($_ = )) { # date table $_ =~ s/^.*D=//; $d=substr($_, 0, 10); $dates{$d}=""; # variable/level list @Fld = split(':', $_, 99); $kpds=substr($Fld[3],5); ($kpds5,$kpds6,$kpds7) = split(/,/,$kpds); $varname = "$Fld[1]:$kpds6"; if (defined $flevels{$varname}) { if (!($flevels{$varname} =~ / $kpds7 /)) { $flevels{$varname} .= "$kpds7 "; } } else { $flevels{$varname} = " $kpds7 "; $fcomments{$varname} = "$kpds5:$Fld[$#Fld]"; } } close (FileDate); @sdates=sort keys(%dates); # number of time 1 or greater $ntime=$#sdates + 1; $time=$sdates[0]; $year = substr($time,0,4); $mo = substr($time,4,2); $day = substr($time,6,2); $hour = substr($time,8,2); if ($mo < 0 || $mo > 12) { print "illegal date code $time\n"; exit 8; } $month=substr("janfebmaraprmayjunjulaugsepoctnovdec",$mo*3-3,3); if ($ntime > 1) { $year1 = substr($sdates[1],0,4); $mo1 = substr($sdates[1],4,2); $day1 = substr($sdates[1],6,2); $hour1 = substr($sdates[1],8,2); $year_last = substr($sdates[$#sdates],0,4); $mo_last = substr($sdates[$#sdates],4,2); $day_last = substr($sdates[$#sdates],6,2); $hour_last = substr($sdates[$#sdates],8,2); } # ---------------intro------------------------------------ if ("$index" eq "" ) {$index="$file.idx";} if ($sys eq "unix") { $caret1 = (substr($file,0,1) eq "/") ? "" : '^'; $caret2 = (substr($index,0,1) eq "/") ? "" : '^'; } else { $caret1 = (substr($file,1,1) eq ":") ? "" : '^'; $caret2 = (substr($index,1,1) eq ":") ? "" : '^'; } print "dset $caret1$ctlfilename\nindex $caret2$index\n"; print "undef 9.999E+20\ntitle $file\n* produced by grib2ctl v$version\n"; # ------------------- grid ----------------------- $griddef = `$wgrib $wflag -V $file -d 1 -o $TmpFile`; $_=$griddef; / center (\S*) /; $center=$1; / grid=(\S*) /; $grid=$1; print "dtype grib $grid\n"; if ($template eq "on") { print "options template\n"; } if (/ latlon: /) { / lat (\S*) to (\S*) by (\S*) /; $lat0=$1; $lat1=$2; $dlat=$3; / long (\S*) to (\S*) by (\S*), \((\S*) x (\S*)\)/; $lon0=$1; # $lon1=$2; $dlon=$3; $nx =$4; $ny =$5; if ($lat0 > $lat1) { print "options yrev\n"; print "ydef $ny linear $lat1 ", abs($dlat), "\n" } else { print "ydef $ny linear $lat0 ", abs($dlat), "\n" } print "xdef $nx linear $lon0 $dlon\n"; } elsif ($grid == 5 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 53 57 nps 27 49 -105 190.5\n"; print "xdef 161 linear -140 0.5\n"; print "ydef 81 linear 20 0.5\n"; } elsif ($grid == 6 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 53 45 nps 27 49 -105 190.5\n"; print "xdef 161 linear -140 0.5\n"; print "ydef 81 linear 20 0.5\n"; } elsif ($grid == 87 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 81 62 nps 31.9 112.53 -105 68.513\n"; print "xdef 161 linear -140 0.5\n"; print "ydef 81 linear 20 0.5\n"; } elsif ($grid == 96 && $kludge eq "on" && $center == 7) { # quick and dirty pdef for eta 12 km # use -kludge option print "pdef 606 1067 eta.u -111 50 0.17520661 0.075046904\n"; print "xdef 1440 linear -200 0.125\n"; print "ydef 721 linear 0 0.125\n"; } elsif ($grid == 101 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 113 91 nps 58.5 92.5 -105 91.452\n"; print "xdef 161 linear -140 0.5\n"; print "ydef 81 linear 20 0.5\n"; } elsif ($grid == 104 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 147 110 nps 75.5 109.5 -105 90.75464\n"; print "xdef 161 linear -140 0.5\n"; print "ydef 81 linear 20 0.5\n"; } elsif ($grid == 105 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 83 83 nps 40.5 88.5 -105 90.75464\n"; print "xdef 161 linear -140 0.5\n"; print "ydef 81 linear 20 0.5\n"; } elsif ($grid == 106 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 165 117 nps 80 176 -105 45.37732\n"; print "xdef 161 linear -140 0.5\n"; print "ydef 81 linear 20 0.5\n"; } elsif ($grid == 107 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 120 92 nps 46 167 -105 45.37732\n"; print "xdef 161 linear -140 0.5\n"; print "ydef 81 linear 20 0.5\n"; } elsif ($grid == 192 && $rr ne "" && $center == 7) { # quick and dirty pdef for RR egrid # need -rr option to use print "pdef 237 387 eta.u -111 50 0.4491525 0.2072539\n"; print "xdef 360 linear -160 0.5\n"; print "ydef 181 linear 0 0.5\n"; } elsif ($grid == 201 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 65 65 nps 33 33 -105 381\n"; print "xdef 180 linear -180 2\n"; print "ydef 51 linear -10 2\n"; } elsif ($grid == 202 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 65 43 nps 33 45 -105 190.5\n"; print "xdef 91 linear -200 2\n"; print "ydef 41 linear 10 2\n"; } elsif ($grid == 203 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 45 39 nps 27 37 -150 190.5\n"; print "xdef 103 linear -250 2\n"; print "ydef 33 linear 26 2\n"; } elsif ($grid == 205 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 45 39 nps 27 57 -60 190.5\n"; print "xdef 50 linear -120 2\n"; print "ydef 46 linear 0 2\n"; } elsif ($grid == 207 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 49 35 nps 25 51 -150 95.25\n"; print "xdef 51 linear -200 2\n"; print "ydef 30 linear 45 1\n"; } elsif ($grid == 211 && $center == 7) { # awips lambert conformal print "pdef 93 65 lcc 12.19 -133.459 1 1 25 25 -95 81270.5 81270.5\n"; print "xdef 161 linear -140 0.5\n"; print "ydef 81 linear 20 0.5\n"; } elsif ($grid == 212 && $center == 7) { # awips lambert conformal print "pdef 185 129 lcc 35.0 -95.0 105 49 25 25 -95 40635 40635\n"; print "xdef 181 linear -140 0.5\n"; print "ydef 91 linear 15 0.5\n"; } elsif ($grid == 213 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 129 85 nps 65 89 -105 95.25\n"; print "xdef 170 linear -190 1\n"; print "ydef 81 linear 10 1\n"; } elsif ($grid == 215 && $center == 7) { # lambert conformal print "pdef 369 257 lcc 12.19 -133.46 1 1 25 25 -95 20318 20318\n"; print "xdef 289 linear -136 0.25\n"; print "ydef 157 linear 18 0.25\n"; } elsif ($grid == 216 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 147 110 nps 75.5 109.5 -105 91.452\n"; print "xdef 181 linear -180 1\n"; print "ydef 91 linear 0 1\n"; } elsif ($grid == 221 && $nearest_neighbor eq "on" && $center == 7) { # awips lambert conformal nearest neighbor print "pdef 96673 1 file 1 sequential binary-little $pdef_dir/grib221nn.pdef\n"; print "xdef 1111 linear -250 0.333333\n"; print "ydef 247 linear 8 0.333333\n"; } elsif ($grid == 221 && $center == 7) { # awips lambert conformal print "pdef 349 277 lcc 1 -145.5 1 1 50 50 -107 32463 32463\n"; print "xdef 1111 linear -250 0.333333\n"; print "ydef 247 linear 8 0.333333\n"; } # old grid 240 #elsif ($grid == 240) { # # nps usa # print "pdef 1160 880 nps 441 1601 255 4.763\n"; # print "xdef 801 linear -130 0.1\n"; # print "ydef 401 linear 20 0.1\n"; #} # new grid 240 elsif ($grid == 240 && $center == 7) { # nps usa print "pdef 1121 881 nps 401 1601 255 4.7625\n"; print "xdef 1601 linear -130 0.05\n"; print "ydef 801 linear 20 0.05\n"; } elsif ($grid == 241 && $center == 7) { print "pdef 386 293 nps 147.315 534.0 -105 14.2875\n"; print "xdef 161 linear -140 0.5\n"; print "ydef 81 linear 20 0.5\n"; } else { # unknown grid $_ = $griddef; GRD: { / polar stereo: Lat1 16.125000 Long1 234.983000 Orient -100.0/ && do { print "options yrev\n"; print "pdef 129 86 nps 64 136 -100 60\n"; print "xdef 720 linear 0 0.5\n"; print "ydef 148 linear 16 0.5\n"; last GRD; }; / polar stereo: Lat1 -4.860000 Long1 -122.614000 Orient -80.000000/ && do { print "pdef 49 51 nps 24 26 -80 381\n"; print "xdef 144 linear 0 2.5\n"; print "ydef 45 linear -20 2.5\n"; last GRD; }; / Lambert Conf:.* Lov 265.*\(151 x 113\)/s && do { print "options yrev\n"; print "pdef 151 113 lcc 16.281 233.8622 1 1 25 25 265 40635 40635\n"; print "xdef 141 linear -130 0.5\n"; print "ydef 71 linear 20 0.5\n"; last GRD; }; # beta: mercator # scan modes .. assumes west to east / Mercator: / && do { /lat *(\S*) to (\S*) /; $lat1 = $1; $lat2 = $2; /long (\S*) to (\S*) /; $lon1 = $1; $lon2 = $2; / nx (\S*) ny (\S*) /; $nx = $1; $ny = $2; if ($lat1 > $lat2) { print "options yrev\n"; $t = $lat2; $lat2 = $lat1; $lat1 = $t; } print "ydef $ny levels\n"; $i = 0; $n1 = log(tan((45+$lat1/2)*3.1415927/180)); $n2 = log(tan((45+$lat2/2)*3.1415927/180)); $dy = ($n2 - $n1) / ($ny - 1); while ($i < $ny) { $nn = $n1 + $dy * $i; $lat = (atan(exp($nn))*180/3.1415927-45)*2; printf ("%9.4f ", $lat); $i++; if ($i % 7 == 0) { print "\n"; } } if ($i % 7 != 0) { print "\n"; } $dlon = $lon2 - $lon1; if ($dlon < 0) { $dlon = $dlon + 360; } $dlon = $dlon / ($nx - 1); print "xdef $nx linear $lon1 $dlon\n"; last GRD; }; # beta: generalized lambert conformal pdef/xdef/ydef # not very good .. needs to calculate the all # vertices for better xdef and ydef # for improvements .. pull out code from lcgrib / Lambert Conf: / && do { / Lat1 (\S*) Lon1 (\S*) Lov (\S*)/; $lat1 = $1; $lon1 = $2; $lov = $3; /Latin1 (\S*) Latin2 (\S*) /; $latin1 = $1; $latin2 = $2; /Pole \((\S*) x (\S*)\) Dx (\S*) Dy (\S*) /; $nx = $1; $ny = $2; $dx = 1000*$3; $dy = 1000*$4; print "pdef $nx $ny lcc $lat1 $lon1 1 1 $latin1 $latin2 $lov $dx $dy\n"; if ($global_map eq "") { $dx = $dx / (110000.0 * cos($lat1*3.141592654/180.0)); $dy = $dy / 110000.0; if ($lon1 > 180) { $lon1 = $lon1 - 360.0; } print "xdef $nx linear $lon1 $dx\n"; print "ydef $ny linear $lat1 $dy\n"; } else { print "xdef 360 linear 0 1\n"; print "ydef 181 linear -90 1\n"; } last GRD; }; / gaussian:/ && do { / lat (\S*) to (\S*)/; $lat0=$1; $lat1=$2; / long (\S*) to (\S*) by (\S*), \((\S*) x (\S*)\)/; $lon0=$1; # $lon1=$2; $dlon=$3; $nx =$4; $ny =$5; $dlon = 360 / $nx; if ($lat0 > $lat1) { print "options yrev\n"; } print "xdef $nx linear $lon0 $dlon\n"; print "ydef $ny levels\n"; $eps = 3e-14; $m=int(($ny+1)/2); $i=1; while ($i <= $m) { $z=cos(3.141592654*($i-0.25)/($ny+0.5)); do { $p1 = 1; $p2 = 0; $j = 1; while ($j <= $ny) { $p3 = $p2; $p2 = $p1; $p1=((2*$j-1)*$z*$p2-($j-1)*$p3)/$j; $j++; } $pp = $ny*($z*$p1-$p2)/($z*$z-1); $z1 = $z; $z = $z1 - $p1/$pp; } until abs($z-$z1) < $eps; $x[$i] = -atan2($z,sqrt(1-$z*$z))*180/3.141592654; $x[$ny+1-$i] = -$x[$i]; $i++; } $i = 1; while ($i < $ny) { printf " %7.3f", $x[$i]; if (($i % 10) == 0) { print "\n"; } $i++; } printf " %7.3f\n", $x[$ny]; last GRD; }; # rotated LatLon grid / rotated LatLon grid/ && do { / LatLon grid lat (\S*) to (\S*) lon (\S*) to (\S*)/; $lat0 = $1; $lat1 = $2; $lon0 = $3; $lon1 = $4; /nxny \S+ \((\S*) x (\S*)\)/; $nx = $1; $ny = $2; / south pole lat (\S*) lon (\S*) rot angle (\S*)/; $lat_sp = $1; $lon_sp = $2; $rot_angle = $3; print "* Rotated LatLon grid: South pole lat $lat_sp lon $lon_sp", " rot angle $rot_angle\n"; $dlon = ( $lon1-$lon0)/($nx-1); $dlat = ( $lat1-$lat0)/($ny-1); if ($lat0 > $lat1) { print "options yrev\n"; print "ydef $ny linear $lat1 ", abs($dlat), "\n" } else { print "ydef $ny linear $lat0 ", abs($dlat), "\n" } print "xdef $nx linear $lon0 $dlon\n"; last GRD; }; # polar stereographic / polar stereo: / && do { / Lat1 (\S*) Long1 (\S*) Orient (\S*)/; $lat1=$1; $lon1=$2; $orient=$3; / (\S*) pole \((\S*) x (\S*)\) Dx (\S*) Dy (\S*) scan (\S*)/; $pole=$1; $nx=$2; $ny=$3; $dx=$4; $dy=$5; $scan=$6; # probably only works for scan=64 $dpr=3.14159265358979/180.0; $rearth=6.3712e6; $h=1; $proj="nps"; if ($pole eq "south") { $h=-1; $proj="sps"; } $hi=1; $hj=-1; if (($scan/128 % 2) == 1) { $hi=-1; } if (($scan/64 % 2) == 1) { $hj=1; } $dxs=$dx*$hi; $dys=$dy*$hj; $de=(1+sin(60*$dpr))*$rearth; $dr=$de*cos($lat1*$dpr)/(1+$h*sin($lat1*$dpr)); $xp=1-$h*sin(($lon1-$orient)*$dpr)*$dr/$dxs; $yp=1+cos(($lon1-$orient)*$dpr)*$dr/$dys; $dx=$h*$dx/1000; printf "pdef $nx $ny $proj $xp $yp $orient $dx\n"; # need to do a better job here # need to find lat/lon of end points to right domain # for now, just do simple stuff $dx=abs($dx)*1000; $nx = int($rearth * 3.14 / $dx + 1); $dx = 360/$nx; printf "xdef $nx linear 0 $dx\n"; if ($proj eq 'sps') { $ny=int(($lat1+90)/$dx)+1; printf "ydef $ny linear -90 $dx\n", } else { $ny=int((90-$lat1)/$dx)+1; $l=90-($ny-1)*$dx; printf "ydef $ny linear $l $dx\n", } last GRD; }; print STDERR "*** script needs to be modified ***\n"; print STDERR "unknown user-defined grid\n"; } } # make the tdef statement &tdef; # ------------------var-------------------------------------; %tails =( '1' => 'sfc', '2' => 'clb', '3' => 'clt', '4' => 'zdg', '5' => 'adcl', '6' => 'mwl', '7' => 'trp', '8' => 'toa', '9' => 'bos', '10' => 'clm', '12' => 'lcb', '13' => 'lct', '14' => 'loc', '22' => 'mcb', '23' => 'mct', '24' => 'mdc', '32' => 'hcb', '33' => 'hct', '34' => 'hic', '100' => 'prs', '101' => 'plr', '102' => 'msl', '103' => 'hml', '104' => 'zlr', '105' => 'hag', '106' => 'hlr', '107' => 'sig', '108' => 'slr', '109' => 'hbl', '110' => 'blr', '111' => 'dpl', '112' => 'dlr', '113' => 'tht', '114' => 'tlr', '116' => 'plg', '121' => 'plr', '126' => 'pa', '128' => 'slr', '141' => 'plr', '160' => 'dsl', '200' => 'clm', '204' => 'htfl', '206' => 'gcbl', '207' => 'gctl', '209' => 'bcb', '210' => 'bct', '211' => 'bcl', '212' => 'lcb', '213' => 'lct', '214' => 'lcl', '222' => 'mcb', '223' => 'mct', '224' => 'mcl', '232' => 'hcb', '233' => 'hct', '234' => 'hcl', '242' => 'cvb', '243' => 'cvt', '244' => 'cvl', '248' => 'sccb', '249' => 'scct', '251' => 'dccb', '252' => 'dcct', ); $tails{'100'} = "$prs"; $nlevelmax=0; $levelsmax=0; $nvar=0; foreach $fname (sort keys(%flevels)) { ($name, $kpds6) = split(/:/, $fname); ($kpds5, $comment) = split(/:/, $fcomments{$fname}); $comment = substr($comment,1); # # find number of levels # $_=$flevels{$fname}; $nlev = (tr/ / /) - 1; $kpds7s = $_; # fix names to be grads compatible # eliminate dashes, underscores, blanks and put no in front of leading digits $_ = $name; $_ =~ tr/_\- //d; if ($lc) { $_ =~ s/(.*)/\L$1/gi; } if ( /^\d/ ) { $_ = "no$_"; } $name = $_; $tail = $suffix eq 'no' ? "" : $tails{$kpds6}; if (! defined $tail) { $tail="l$kpds6"; } # tranlate special levels if ($kpds6 == 1) { # $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}sfc 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** surface $comment"; $kpds7s =~ s/^ //; $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}sfc 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,$kpds7s ** surface $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 2) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}clb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** cloud base $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 3) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}clt 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** cloud top $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 4) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}0deg 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** 0C isotherm level $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 5) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}adcl 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** adiabatic lifting condensation level $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 6) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}mwl 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** max wind level $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 7) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}trp 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** tropopause $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 8) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}toa 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** top of atmos $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 200) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}clm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** atmos column $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 204) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}htfl 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** highest trop freezing level $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 206) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}gcbl 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** grid-scale cloud bottom level $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 207) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}gctl 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** grid-scale cloud top level $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 209) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}bcb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** boundary cld base $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 210) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}bct 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** boundary cld top $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 211) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}bcl 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** boundary cld layer $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 212) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}lcb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** low cloud base $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 213) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}lct 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** low cloud top $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 214) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}lcl 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** low cloud level $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 222) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}mcb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** mid-cloud base $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 223) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}mct 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** mid-cloud top $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 224) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}mcl 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** mid-cloud level $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 232) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}hcb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** high cloud base $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 233) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}hct 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** high cloud top $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 234) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}hcl 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** high cloud level $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 242) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}cvb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** convective cld base $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 243) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}cvt 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** convective cld top $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 244) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}cvl 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** convective cld layer $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 246) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}cvl 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** max e-pot-t level $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 248) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}sccb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** shallow convective cloud base $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 249) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}scct 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** shallow convective cloud top $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 251) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}dccb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** deep convective cloud base $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 252) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}dcct 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** deep convective cloud top $comment"; $nlev=0; } elsif ($kpds6 == 101) { if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 12900 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}500_1000mb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,12900 ** 500-1000 mb $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 70 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}toa_700mb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,70 ** TOA-700 mb $comment"; $nlev--; } } elsif ($kpds6 == 103) { if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 1829 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}1829m 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,1829 ** 1829 m $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 2743 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}2743m 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,2743 ** 2743 m $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 3658 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}3658m 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,3658 ** 3658 m $comment"; $nlev--; } } elsif ($kpds6 == 105) { if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 2 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}2m 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,2 ** 2 m $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 10 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}10m 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,10 ** 10 m $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 30 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}30m 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,30 ** 30 m $comment"; $nlev--; } } elsif ($kpds6 == 106) { if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 7680 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}0_3000m 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,7680 ** 3000-0 m above ground $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 15360 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}0_6000m 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,15360 ** 6000-0 m above ground $comment"; $nlev--; } } elsif ($kpds6 == 107 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 9950 / /) && $nlev < 5) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}sig995 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,9950 ** sig=.995 $comment"; $nlev--; } elsif ($kpds6 == 108) { if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 11364 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}sg44_100 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,11364 ** sigma=0.44-1.00 layer $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 18526 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}sg72_94 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,18526 ** sigma=0.72-0.94 layer $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 11336 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}sg44_72 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,11336 ** sigma=0.44-0.72 layer $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 8548 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}sg33_100 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,8548 ** sigma=0.33-1.00 layer $comment"; $nlev--; } } elsif ($kpds6 == 116) { if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 7680 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}30_0mb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 15390 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}60_30mb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,15390 ** 60-30 mb above gnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 23100 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}90_60mb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,23100 ** 90-60 mb above gnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 30810 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}120_90mb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,30810 ** 120-90 mb above gnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 38520 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}150_120mb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,38520 ** 150-120 mb above gnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 46080 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}180_0mb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,46080 ** 180-0 mb above gnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 46230 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}180_150mb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,46230 ** 180-150 mb above gnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 23040 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}90_0mb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,23040 ** 90-0 mb above gnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 65280 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}255_0mb 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,65280 ** 255-0 mb above gnd $comment"; $nlev--; } } elsif ($kpds6 == 117) { if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 2 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}pv2 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,2 ** pot vorticity = 2 units level $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 32770 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}pvneg2 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,32770 ** pot vorticity = -2 units level $comment"; $nlev--; } } if ($model eq "ETA") { if ($kpds6 == 109 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 1 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}hlev1 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,1 ** hybrid level 1 $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds6 == 109 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 2 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}hlev1 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,2 ** hybrid level 2 $comment"; $nlev--; } } if ($model eq "RUC") { if ($kpds6 == 111) { if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 5 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}5cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,5 ** 5 cm underground $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 10 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}10cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,10 ** 10 cm underground $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 20 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}20cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,20 ** 20 cm underground $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 40 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}40cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,40 ** 40 cm underground $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 160 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}160cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,160 ** 160 cm underground $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds7s =~ s/ 300 / /) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}300cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,300 ** 300 cm underground $comment"; $nlev--; } } } if ($soil_model eq "NOAH") { if ($kpds6 == 112 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 10 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}0_10cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,10 ** 0-10 cm undergnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds6 == 112 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 100 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}0_100cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,100 ** 0-100 cm undergnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds6 == 112 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 200 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}0_200cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,200 ** 0-200 cm undergnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds6 == 112 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 2600 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}10_40cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,2600 ** 10-40 cm undergnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds6 == 112 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 10340 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}40_100cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,10340 ** 40-100 cm undergnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds6 == 112 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 25800 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}100_200cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,25800 ** 100-200 cm undergnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds6 == 111 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 800 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}_800cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,25800 ** 800 cm undergnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds6 == 111 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 300 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}_300cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,300 ** 300 cm undergnd $comment"; $nlev--; } } if ($soil_model eq "OSU") { if ($kpds6 == 111 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 300 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}SoilB 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,300 ** 300 cm underground $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds6 == 112 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 10 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}SoilT 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,10 ** 0-10 cm undergnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds6 == 112 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 200 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}0_200cm 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,200 ** 0-200 cm undergnd $comment"; $nlev--; } if ($kpds6 == 112 && ($kpds7s =~ s/ 2760 / /)) { $var_line[$nvar++]="${name}SoilM 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,2760 ** 10-200 cm undergnd $comment"; $nlev--; } } if ($nlev == 1) { $kpds7s =~ s/^ //; $var_line[$nvar++]="$name$tail 0 $kpds5,$kpds6,$kpds7s ** $comment"; } elsif ($nlev > 1) { $var_line[$nvar++]="$name$tail $nlev $kpds5,$kpds6,0 ** $comment"; if ($nlev > $nlevelmax) { $nlevelmax=$nlev; $levelsmax=$flevels{$fname}; } } } #------------------levels-------------------------; if ($nlevelmax == 0) { print "zdef 1 linear 1 1\n"; } else { ($_ = $levelsmax) =~ s/.//; chop($_); if ($z_order eq "theta") { @levels=sort {$a <=> $b} split(/ /,$_); } else { @levels=sort {$b <=> $a} split(/ /,$_); } print "zdef $nlevelmax levels\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $nlevelmax; $i++) { print "$levels[$i] "; } print "\n"; } print "vars $nvar\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $nvar; $i++) { print $var_line[$i]; } print "ENDVARS\n"; if ($sys eq "win") { unlink $TmpFile; } unlink $ListA; exit 0; #------------------ jday -------------------- # jday(year,mo,day) return the julian day relative to jan 0 # mo=1..12 # sub jday { local($n); local($nleap); local($year1); $n=substr(" 000 031 059 090 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334",($_[1]-1)*4,4); $n = $n + $_[2]; $year1 = $_[0] - 1905; if ($calendar eq '365') { $n += $year1 * 365; } else { if ($_[1] > 2 && $_[0] % 4 == 0) { if ($_[0] % 400 == 0 || $_[0] % 100 != 0) { $n++; } } $nleap = int($year1 / 4); $n = $n + $nleap + $year1 * 365; } $n; } #------------------ write tdef statement ------------------ # still not great but better than before sub tdef { local($tmp); local($n); $n=$ntime; if ($timestep) { $dt=$timestep } else { if ($ntime == 1) { if ($timestep) { $dt=$timestep } else { $dt="1mo"; } } elsif ($hour != $hour1) { $tmp= (&jday($year1,$mo1,$day1) - &jday($year,$mo,$day)) * 24 + $hour1 - $hour; $dt="${tmp}hr"; $n = (&jday($year_last,$mo_last,$day_last) - &jday($year,$mo,$day)) * 24 + $hour_last - $hour; $n = int($n / $tmp) + 1; } elsif ($day != $day1) { # assume that dt < 365 days $tmp = &jday($year1,$mo1,$day1) - &jday($year,$mo,$day); $dt="${tmp}dy"; $n=int((&jday($year_last,$mo_last,$day_last) - &jday($year,$mo,$day))/$tmp)+1; } elsif ($mo != $mo1) { # assume that dt < 12 months $tmp = $year1*12+$mo1 - $year*12-$mo; $dt="${tmp}mo"; $n = int(($year_last*12+$mo_last - $year*12 - $mo) / $tmp) + 1; } else { $tmp = $year1 - $year; $dt="${tmp}yr"; $n = int(($year_last - $year) / $tmp) + 1; } } if ($calendar eq "365") { print "options 365_day_calendar\n"; } print "tdef $n linear ${hour}Z$day$month$year $dt\n"; }