Dear Grads-user,<BR>
We have an AMD64 machine installed with FEDORA linux and PGI 5.0 compiler.We are using this machine for our MM5 model processing. <BR>
Everything is working well but MM5toGrADS is not working in this machine. during compilation it is showing some error but it is executing.<BR>
Grads is working in this machine.But when we are running mm5_to_grads.csh it is not working and showing the following error.it is not creating the .ctl file .dat file.<BR>
[mm5@localhost MM5toGrADS]$ ./mm5_to_grads.csh<BR>
....setting links to data....<BR>
Segmentation fault<BR>
....Program finished....<BR>
[mm5@localhost MM5toGrADS]$<BR>
Please look into this error and give me sugeestion by which i can run MM5toGrADS in this AMD machine sucessfully.<BR>
Thanking you.<BR>
with best regards<BR>
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