For transferring data files from one plateform to another platform you can use byteswapped at the starting (first line) of the control file.<BR>
On Wed, 01 Feb 2006 N Jyothi wrote :<BR>
>While creating and transferring data files from one platform to another, I<BR>
>was not sure about the right option to be specified in the grads control<BR>
>Thanks Douglas for the explanation.<BR>
>Regards - Jyothi<BR>
>----- Original Message -----<BR>
> From: "Douglas Clark" <dbcl@CEH.AC.UK><BR>
>Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 4:14 PM<BR>
>Subject: Re: byteswapped and yrev<BR>
> > I'm not sure I can give you much detail, beyond what's in the web<BR>
> > documentation, but here are the basics:<BR>
> ><BR>
> > 'yrev' means that the data are stored in your file in "north to south"<BR>
> > order.<BR>
> > Without yrev, GrADS expects the data to be stored in "south to north"<BR>
> > order, that is, the southernmost row of data first, then the next<BR>
> > row...,ending with the northernmost row (eg 90S, 80S, 70S,...,80N,<BR>
> > 90N).<BR>
> > With yrev, the northernmost row is stored first (eg 90N, 80N,...).<BR>
> > GrADS uses yrev when it reads data from the file, so that it knows to<BR>
> > reverse the row order before plotting.<BR>
> ><BR>
> > 'byteswapped' means that the order of the bytes in the data file is not<BR>
> > the default for your computer. Again, GrADS uses this when it reads data<BR>
> > in. If you only ever use GrADS on the same computer that you use to<BR>
> > write the data files, chances are you won't ever need byteswapped. (The<BR>
> > little_endian and big_endian options are argueably more useful, as the<BR>
> > ctl files can then be used on any machine, regardless of byte order).<BR>
> ><BR>
> > Often you don't need either of the yrev or byteswapped options - it<BR>
> > just depends on your data files.<BR>
> ><BR>
> > Doug<BR>
> ><BR>
> ><BR>
> > >>> njyothi@CDAC.IN 01/02/2006 10:03:24 >>><BR>
> > Hello Grads Users<BR>
> > I haven't entirely understood the 'yrev' and 'byteswapped'<BR>
> > options<BR>
> > in grads. Can someone pls explain these options in detail?<BR>
> ><BR>
> > Jyothi<BR>
> ><BR>
> > --<BR>
> > This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC<BR>
> > is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents<BR>
> > of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless<BR>
> > it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to<BR>
> > NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.<BR>
> ><BR>
Shailendra Rai
K. Banerjee Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Studies
University of Allahabad
Phone 09415649617
Telefax +915322460974
Mail ID r_shail1977@yahoo.co.in
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