You can use the options xlopts and ylopts to change font of xlab and ylab and clopts to change font of contour labels. these options can be used as.<BR>
'set xlopts color thickness size'<BR>
'set ylopts color thickness size'<BR>
'set clopts color thickness size'<BR>
here values of color thickness and size (see grads reference card) can be chosen according toi your need. <BR>
for example you can take color =1 , thickness=.15 and thickness=5<BR>
bye and take care<BR>
On Mon, 19 Dec 2005 Evangelia Fragkou wrote :<BR>
>Dear Users,<BR>
>I am sorry for the simple question!I am not sure how I can control the font<BR>
>size on the contour labelling, and also on the axis labelling? I have tried<BR>
>the "set font" command but it did not work? Or should I try from "set<BR>
>clab"? I need to enlarge the font size<BR>
>Best Regards<BR>
Shailendra Rai
K. Banerjee Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Studies
University of Allahabad
Phone 09415649617
Telefax +915322460974
Mail ID r_shail1977@yahoo.co.in
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