<div>To all,</div>
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<div>I've been trying to use GrADS to plot 3 or 6 hourly precip plots (depending on what the model timesteps are), but been uncussessful thus far. I've used grib2ctl.pl to dump my model grib files to a control file and gone from there, with the only precip options being...
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<div>acpcpsfc (convective precip), apcpsfc (surface total precip), and ncpcpsfc (large scale precip). Another one deals with precip rate, but I'm not interested in that.</div>
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<div>I'm simply interested in how much precip fell between the previous model timestep and the one I'm working with, but using each of these options simply increments the precip through all 48 hours - like a running total. So if it rains from hours 03-09 - and is dry after that, I still see precip being output for hours 12-48 even if it's not going to rain. Does anyone have any idea how to plot the precip that fell ONLY during the time valid in the grib file?
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<div>I don't know if it helps or anything, but when creating the idx file - I use the -0 and -v options - maybe that makes a difference...</div>
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<div>Dan Leins</div>