I do not think by reversing order of opening NC file and CTL will work. If the x, y and z dimension of both CTL and NETCDF files are same then you can open both at a time otherwise not.<BR>
bye <BR>
Sun, 06 Nov 2005 bhatt vihang wrote :<BR>
>dear huang<BR>
>do it in reverse. i mean to say open grads in nc mode.<BR>
>i.e. gradsnc. first you open netcdf and then ctl file.<BR>
>it should work.<BR>
>best regards,<BR>
>vihang bhatt<BR>
>--- Boyin Huang <boyin.huang@NOAA.GOV> wrote:<BR>
> > Can grads open NETCDF and CTL files at the same<BR>
> > time?<BR>
> ><BR>
> > Here is my example:<BR>
> ><BR>
> > 'open /u/wx52bh/r2/mnth/erate_clm_13.ctl'<BR>
> > 'sdfopen /u/wx52bh/gpcp/gpcp.nc'<BR>
> > 'd pcp.2'<BR>
> ><BR>
> > The error message is:<BR>
> > Data Request Warning: Request beyond file limits<BR>
> > Cannot contour grid - all undefined values<BR>
> ><BR>
> > When each file is opened separately, it can be<BR>
> > displayed successfully.<BR>
> > When both are CTL or NC files, they can also be<BR>
> > displayed.<BR>
> ><BR>
> > Thanks<BR>
> ><BR>
>Vihang Bhatt<BR>
>Project Scientist<BR>
>Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi<BR>
>Hauz Khas<BR>
>New Delhi<BR>
>web: http://www.geocities.com/vihang_75/index.html<BR>
>Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005<BR>
Shailendra Rai
K. Banerjee Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Studies
University of Allahabad
Phone 09415649617
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Mail ID r_shail1977@yahoo.co.in
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