Dear Ismael<BR>
I think you want to plot the Latitude-Height crossection of average zonal windof august. Is the three years data in a single file or in three different file ? and your output are how much time interval ?<BR>
Any way if it is in a single file you have to write three 'define' statement.<BR>
open your XXXXX.ctl file<BR>
you first average for august 2000 and define it simillarly for 2001 and 2002.<BR>
such as<BR>
define u2000= ave(u,t= ,t= ) {i.e average between two time}<BR>
define u2001= .....<BR>
define u2002= .....<BR>
now for three year average you can define again<BR>
define u3year= (u2000+u2001+u2002)/3<BR>
set lev 1000 100 (pressure from 1000-100)<BR>
set lat -20 20 (latitude from -20 to 20)<BR>
now as u wish you fix any particular longitude or you can average for long variation<BR>
set lon 120<BR>
d u3year<BR>
I think now you can do your jub.<BR>
On Thu, 15 Sep 2005 Mohamed wrote :<BR>
> Hi there, I would like to have a plot of average zonal wind for pressure levels using Grads. Could anyone help me with a script for that?I want for example to average uwind for august of 2000, 2001, and 2002 (three months average for different years) on the domain define by a longitude rang, and latitude rang, and pressure levels. The output graph must look like this: Latitude in the x-coordinates (ex. from -20 to 20) and pressures in the y-coordinates (1000 -100 mb).Thanks to allIsmael<BR>
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