<DIV>Hi all,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Somebody can tell me what is the meaning of the following file </DIV>
<DIV>and how i can unzip it. I can use gunzip for Z extention but i what for "ara"</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>The file was obtained from the following link</DIV>
<DIV><A href="http://wwwghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/GOES/goeseastnheir.html">http://wwwghcc.msfc.nasa.gov/GOES/goeseastnheir.html</A><BR><BR>after the link:</DIV>
<DIV><BR>Obtain GOES-12, GOES-10, GMS-5 and METEOSAT-7 data by<BR>anonymous ftp<BR><BR>after,<BR>GOES-12<BR><BR>after,<BR>Mc_IDAS_areas<BR><BR>after:<BR>local<BR><BR>after<BR>ir4<BR><BR>after,<BR>4km<BR></DIV>
<DIV>and over there is the files<BR>thanks</DIV><BR><BR>LCA Miguel A. Altamirano del C.<br>"Los Mexicanos llevamos la fiesta en la garganta"<br><br>Tel. 01(232)32 45208<br><br>La belleza de la meteorología radica en saber<br>pronosticarla y no simplemente en estudiarla <br> (Miguel A. Altamirano 28-5-00)<p>__________________________________________________<br>Correo Yahoo!<br>Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! <br>Regístrate ya - http://correo.espanol.yahoo.com/