Dear Sebastian,<BR>
You can do it by defining the vector length.<BR>
set arrscl .5 7<BR>
this will define the vector length of 0.5 cm equivalant to 7m/s speed.<BR>
in this way you can control the vector length<BR>
Shailendra Rai.<BR>
K. Banerjee Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Studies<BR>
University of Allahabad<BR>
INDIA- 211002<BR>
----------------------------------------------------------------------- <BR>
On Fri, 26 Aug 2005 Sebastian Engelstaedter wrote :<BR>
>Hello GrADS users,<BR>
>I am making plots of wind vectors for different month using<BR>
>'set gxout vector'<BR>
>'d u;v'<BR>
>However, the physical vector length representing wind speed changes from<BR>
>plot to plot. For example, in one plot the length of the example vector<BR>
>(showing up blow the plot) represents 7 m/s whereas in another plot it<BR>
>represents 9 m/s. Is there a way to force GrADS to use always the same<BR>
>vector length for the same magnitude of wind speed to make the plots<BR>
>better comparable.<BR>
>Thanks for any hints,<BR>
>Sebastian Engelstaedter<BR>
>Climatology Research Group<BR>
>Oxford University Centre for the Environment<BR>
>Dyson Perrins Building<BR>
>South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY, UK<BR>
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