Since you r plotting only one variable u then how u expect the vector plot. command for vector plot is<BR>
d u;v<BR>
this will plot all the vector and if the resolution of data is high the vectors will not be distinguishable then you can skip some of the component in x and y direction using<BR>
d skip(u,m,n);skip(v,m,n)<BR>
here m and n are any integer greater than one. This will skip u and v values by m and n in x and y directions respectively.<BR>
Bye <BR>
Shailendra Rai<BR>
K. Banerjee Centre of Atmospheic and Ocean Studies<BR>
University of Allahabad<BR>
INDIA -211002<BR>
On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 Arpita Mandal wrote :<BR>
>i want to plot u and v wind data. i have given<BR>
>set gxout vector<BR>
>d u<BR>
>but i am not getting the vecor arrows. i am getting only the contours. i<BR>
>need the arrows.<BR>
>thank you<BR>
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