<DIV>Dear Uma,</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>This Frank, your officemate, saying Hello to you...</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>I saw your posting in Grads user list and cannot stop saying hi to you..</DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV>Frank<BR><BR><B><I>Uma Bhatt <bhatt@IARC.UAF.EDU></I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Dear Grads Users,<BR>I am using v1.9b4 on a Macintosh running Tiger. so I believe the string template option should<BR>work in grads. The error message I get is pasted below. I tried both gradsnc and gradshdf.<BR>ga-> xdfopen Q.ddf<BR>Scanning Descriptor File: Q.ddf<BR>XDFOpen Error: Unknown keyword in description file<BR>--> The invalid description file record is:<BR>--> chsub 1 124 b30.040e.cam2.h3.q.2010-08-01_cat_2010-08-31.nc<BR>The data file was not opened.<BR><BR>Question: Here is my ctl file (Q.ddf), any obvious problems?<BR>DSET %ch<BR>CHSUB 1 124 b30.040e.cam2.h3.Q.2010-08-01_cat_2010-08-31.nc<BR>CHSUB 125 244 b30.040e.cam2.h3.Q.2010-09-01_cat_2010-09-30.nc<BR>...snip... 10 more lines of input files<BR>OPTIONS TEMPLATE 365_DAY_CALENDAR<BR>DTYPE NETCDF<BR>TITLE future run BC for MM5 Glacier Project<BR>UNDEF 1.e+33<BR>XDEF lon 256 LINEAR 0. 1.40625<BR>YDEF lat
LEVELS -88.9277353522959 -87.5387052130272 -86.1414721015279<BR>..snip..<BR>ZDEF lev 26 LEVELS 3.5 7.4 13.97 23.9 37.2 53.1 70.1 85.4<BR>..snip..<BR>TDEF time 244 LINEAR 00Z01aug2010 6hr<BR>*<BR>VARS 1<BR>Q=>q 26 99 Specific Humidity kg/kg<BR>ENDVARS<BR><BR>This may be of importance, but I am not sure. When using Grads on another netcdf file that had<BR>'DTYPE NETCDF' in the ctl file I got an error message containing 'Unknown keyword in description<BR>file' and it listed the DTYPE statement . If I comment this statement out then my ddf file worked<BR>just fine at reading in the data.<BR><BR>Any thoughts are appreciated.<BR>Regards,<BR>Uma Bhatt<BR>bhatt@gi.alaska.edu<BR></BLOCKQUOTE><p>
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