You can open the data file directly.<BR>
run gradsnc then sdfopen XieArkin-1979-2002.nc.<BR>
I think this will open the data file<BR>
Shailendra Rai<BR>
University of Allahabad<BR>
Allahabad ( INDIA)<BR>
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 Ji-Yun SEO wrote :<BR>
>I've been trying to draw a XieArkin's precipitation data netcdf file.<BR>
>when i downloaded it there is a referencing page to read these data using<BR>
>a Grads .ddf file<BR>
>Unfortunately, i coulnd't read it properly although i followed the<BR>
>this's my prec.ddf file<BR>
>DSET ^XieArkin-1979-2002.nc<BR>
>*UNDEF 1E36<BR>
>UNDEF -999.f<BR>
>XDEF lon 144 Linear 0.0 2.5<BR>
>YDEF lat 73 Linear -90. 2.5<BR>
>TDEF time 288 Linear Jan1979 1mo<BR>
>PRC2 => prc2 1 99 Precipitation<BR>
>i did gradsnc ; sdfopen prec.ddf<BR>
>but this error message comes out<BR>
>scanning self-describing file: prec.ddf<BR>
>prec.ddf does not exist or is not a netCDF file.<BR>
>Couldn't ingest SDF metadata.<BR>
>If this was an HDF-SDS file, try gradshdf.<BR>
>please help me<BR>
>i would be grateful if i get any advice from you guys!!!<BR>
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