[gradsusr] hdf-eos2 ctl file?

M.Mahakur mmahakur at tropmet.res.in
Thu Jun 15 08:50:28 EDT 2023

Thank you! 

Sorry! I had jumped while reading it from the doc. 

(GrADS version 2.0.a3+) If the SDF_varname contains spaces, substitute "~" for each space -- the spaces in the variable name string will be swapped back in later after the descriptor file has been parsed. 

I am okay now. 

Best Regards, 

From: "Jennifer M Adams" <jadams21 at gmu.edu> 
To: "GrADS Users Forum" <gradsusr at gradsusr.org> 
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2023 4:33:46 PM 
Subject: Re: [gradsusr] hdf-eos2 ctl file? 

>From the doc page on descriptor file elements: 
Use varname alias: SDF_varname=>grads_varname 
If the SDF_varname contains spaces, substitute "~" for each space -- the spaces in the variable name string will be swapped back in later after the descriptor file has been parsed. 

From: gradsusr <gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org> on behalf of M.Mahakur <mmahakur at tropmet.res.in> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 12:28 PM 
To: GrADS Users Forum <gradsusr at gradsusr.org> 
Subject: [gradsusr] hdf-eos2 ctl file? 
Dear All, 

I gets something like below from the hdf file using ncdump of hdf4 binaries. The variable names consist of few words with spaces. Can someone suggest how to create a ctl file. I remembers I had used these files long back; I forgot how I did! 

netcdf MOD13C1.A2000049.006.2015147153445 { 
YDim:MODIS_Grid_16Day_VI_CMG = 3600 ; 
XDim:MODIS_Grid_16Day_VI_CMG = 7200 ; 

short CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI(YDim:MODIS_Grid_16Day_VI_CMG, XDim:MODIS_Grid_16Day_VI_CMG) ; 
CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI:long_name = "CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI" ; 
CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI:units = "NDVI" ; 
CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI:valid_range = -2000s, 10000s ; 
CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI:_FillValue = -3000s ; 
CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI:scale_factor = 10000. ; 
CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI:scale_factor_err = 0. ; 
CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI:add_offset = 0. ; 
CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI:add_offset_err = 0. ; 
CMG 0.05 Deg 16 days NDVI:calibrated_nt = 5 ; 

Thnaks and Regards, 

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