[gradsusr] problems using fish function

Eduardo Agosta Scarel eduardo.agosta at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 17:15:50 EDT 2019

Dear Grads Users.

I have installed the opengrads bundle version 2.2 in a Macos Mojave.
In most of the command it works nicely, but when I wanted to calculate PSI
(the streamfunction) from U and V,  using fish_psi (and similar problems
with other fish-based functions, the wok stopped and went out to terminal
indicating the following problem:

sh: line 1:  2552 Abort trap: 6           ( /usr/bin/env
/Applications/OpenGrADS/Darwin/Versions/2.2.1.oga.1/i386/grads -HC 1 )

I have included the folder */opt/local/bin*
in my path but that does not resolve the issue.

Has anybody have any idea about the solution to this problem?
Many thanks.

Eduardo Agosta Scarel
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