[gradsusr] Fwd: Templating over time

M.Mahakur mmahakur at tropmet.res.in
Thu Jun 27 15:01:54 EDT 2019


Sorry for this silly query! 
While using DSET filenames for 3-characters month's abbreviation I used %mc, as per the GrADS doc: 

%mc 3 character month abbreviation (http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/templates.html) 

I found that it searches for files with month jan,...,dec (small alphabets). Whereas, I have files with names having capital alphabets (JAN,..,DEC) in the place of month (%mc). Other than renaming all JAN to jan, .. etc. files, is there any other template options? 

With Thanks and Regards, 

IITM, Pune (India) 

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