[gradsusr] grads for rite netcdf

ma_mosaffa ma_mosaffa at ut.ac.ir
Thu Jun 20 08:10:25 EDT 2019

Hello dears 

I want to read a netcdf file in grads and extract my data in special
location then save my extracted data in new netcdf file can you help
me?# i use sdfopen [1]/xdfopen [2]  but i found an error 

secondly i have a .dat file in special lat and long can i convert this
file in netcdf file with Grads? if yes can you hep me and provid an

[1] http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdsdfopen.html
[2] http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradcomdxdfopen.html
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