[gradsusr] Plotting the new precipitation GFS-FV3 model into my gfs_meteogram.gs script
Fabio F. Gervasi
fabio.gervasi70 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 15 01:18:36 EDT 2019
Nobody can help me?
Thank you.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: Fabio F. Gervasi <fabio.gervasi70 at gmail.com>
Date: dom 9 giu 2019, 11:20
Subject: Plotting the new precipitation GFS-FV3 model into my
gfs_meteogram.gs script
To: <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
Hi all,
until now, I used succesfully the following grads script in order to plot
some GFS model meteograms.
The problem is that using the new GFS-FV3 model new total precipitation and
convective precipitation, are with continuous accumulation.
How can I modify the script in order to plot prec correctly, like before?
Thank you very much,
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* gfs_meteogram.gs
* This script draws a meteogram based on NCEP forecast data.
* The data is available through the GrADS-DODS Server at COLA.
* You MUST be using a DODS-enabled version of GrADS.
* Usage: <script> <name> <yyyymmddhh> <lon> <lat> <e>
* Example: <script> Boston 2003031300 -71 42 e
* The GFS forecasts are global. Check the GDS URL
* http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/gens/gensyyyymmdd/gep_all_$hhz
* for a complete listing of all available forecast times.
* The 'e' argument is for British units. Default is metric.
* Note: This script must be run in a directory in which
* you have write permission because intermediate files
* are written out to disk in order to speed up the display
* and minimize the number of hits to the data server.
* Originally written by Paul Dirmeyer
* Modification History:
* J.M. Adams Oct 2001
* Jim Kinter Oct 2001
* J.M. Adams Dec 2001
* Joe Wielgosz Jan 2002
* J.M. Adams Jul 2002
* J.M. Adams Mar 2003
* J.M. Adams Jul 2005
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
function main(args)
* Make sure GrADS is in portrait mode
'q gxinfo'
pagesize = sublin(result,2)
xsize = subwrd(pagesize,4)
ysize = subwrd(pagesize,6)
if (xsize != 8.5 & ysize != 11)
say 'You must be in PORTRAIT MODE to draw a meteogram'
* Parse the arguments: name, date, longitude, latitude, domain, units
name = subwrd(args,1)
date = subwrd(args,2)
hilon = subwrd(args,3)
hilat = subwrd(args,4)
WORKDIR = subwrd(args,5)
units = subwrd(args,6)
* Open the data file
_basefolder = WORKDIR'/gfs_tot.ctl'
'open '_basefolder
if (rc) ; return ; endif
* Get info from the descriptor file
'q ctlinfo'
_ctl = result
_undef = getctl(undef)
_tdef = getctl(tdef)
_zdef = getctl(zdef)
* Get the Time axis info
tsize = subwrd(_tdef,2)
_t1 = 1
*_t2 = tsize - 1;* Not until 16gg but, for example, 10gg...
_t2 = tsize
'set t '_t1' '_t2
'q dims'
times = sublin(result,5)
_time1 = subwrd(times,6)
_time2 = subwrd(times,8)
_tdim = _time1' '_time2
tincr = subwrd(_tdef,5)
_tdef = 'tdef 'tsize' linear '_time1' 'tincr
* Get Vertical grid info
zsize = subwrd(_zdef,2)
z = 1
zlevs = ''
rhzlevs = ''
while (z <= zsize)
'set z 'z
lev = subwrd(result,4)
if lev = 500 ; z500 = z ; endif
zlevs = zlevs%lev%' '
z = z + 1
* Find the grid point closest to requested location
'set lon 'hilon
hilon = subwrd(result,4)
'set lat 'hilat
hilat = subwrd(result,4)
_xdim = hilon' 'hilon
_ydim = hilat' 'hilat
* Determine pressure range for hovmoellers
'set lon 'hilon
'set lat 'hilat
'd ave(pshov,t='_t1',t='_t2')*0.01-15.0'
data = sublin(result,2)
mmm = subwrd(data,4)
meanps = math_nint(mmm)
cnt = 1
while (cnt<zsize)
el1 = subwrd(zlevs,cnt)
el2 = subwrd(zlevs,cnt+1)
if (meanps > el2)
elb = el1
elt = subwrd(zlevs,z500+cnt-1)
if (elt < 500) ; elt = 500 ; endif
_zbot = elb
_ztop = elt
_zgrd = _zbot' '_ztop
* Get number of pressure levels between _zbot and _ztop
n = 1
p = subwrd(zlevs,n)
while (p != _zbot)
n = n + 1
p = subwrd(zlevs,n)
levs = p
nlevs = 1
while (p > _ztop)
n = n + 1
p = subwrd(zlevs,n)
levs = levs%' 'p
nlevs = nlevs + 1
_newzsize = nlevs
_zdef = 'zdef '_newzsize' levels 'levs
* Get the Z,T grids for the upper air variables
* Set up a few preliminary characteristics
'set display color white'
'set xlopts 1 8 0.20'
'set ylopts 1 2 0.09'
* Determine the plot areas for each panel
npanels = 10
x1 = 1.20
x2 = 8.15
y1 = 7.50
y2 = 10.30
panel.npanels = x1' 'x2' 'y1' 'y2 ;* hovmoeller panel
ytop = 7.5 ;* y boundaries for rest of panels except precip
ybot = 1.5
int = (ytop-ybot)/(npanels-2) ;* get height of middle panels
int = 0.001 * (math_nint(1000*int))
y2 = ytop
while (n >= 2)
y2 = ytop - (npanels-n-1)*int
y1 = ytop - (npanels-n)*int
panel.n = x1' 'x2' 'y1' 'y2 ;* coords of middle panels
n = n - 1
xincr = (8.15 - 1.2)/tsize ;* size of one time step
xincr = 0.01 * math_nint(100*xincr)
panel.1 = x1+xincr' 'x2' 0.4 'y1 ;* coords of precip panel
* Indent the soil panel too
*w2 = subwrd(panel.2,2)
*w3 = subwrd(panel.2,3)
*w4 = subwrd(panel.2,4)
*panel.2 = x1+xincr' 'w2' 'w3' 'w4
* Set the Plot Area for the Upper Air Panel
p = npanels
'set parea 'panel.p
'set vpage off'
'set grads off'
'set grid on'
* Draw the Relative Humidity Shading
'set gxout shaded'
'set csmooth on'
'set clevs 30 50 60 70 80 90 100'
'set ccols 0 20 21 23 25 26 33 34'
'set xlopts 1 2 0.09'
'set xlpos 0 t'
*'set ylab `1%g'
'set ylab %g'
'set ylint 100'
if (units = 'e')
'define temp = (t-273.16)*1.8+32'
'define uwnd = u*2.2374'
'define vwnd = v*2.2374'
'define temp = (t-273.16)'
'define uwnd = u'
'define vwnd = v'
'set t '_t1' '_t2
'set lev '_zbot+50' '_ztop-50
'd rhum'
'set gxout contour'
'set grid off'
'set ccolor 15'
'set clab off'
'set clevs 30 50 60 70 80 90 100'
'd rhum'
'set ccolor 0'
'set clab on'
'set cstyle 5'
'set clopts 15'
'set clevs 30 50 60 70 80 90 100'
'd rhum'
* Draw the Temperature Contours
'set clopts -1'
'set cstyle 1'
'set ccolor rainbow'
'set rbcols 9 14 4 11 5 13 12 8 2 6'
if (units = 'e')
'set cint 10'
'set cthick 6'
'd temp'
'set clevs 32'
'set cthick 12'
'set ccolor 1'
'set clab off'
'd temp'
'set background 1'
'set ccolor 20'
'set clevs 32'
'set cthick 4'
'set clab on'
'set clab `4FR'
'set cint 5'
'set cthick 6'
'd temp'
'set clevs 0'
'set cthick 12'
'set ccolor 1'
'set clab off'
'd temp'
'set background 1'
'set ccolor 20'
'set clevs 0'
'set cthick 4'
'set clab on'
'd temp'
* Draw the Wind Vectors
'set background 0'
'set gxout vector'
'set ccolor 1'
'set xlab off'
'set ylab off'
'set arrlab off'
'd uwnd;vwnd'
* Draw a rectangle over the year to clear the area for a title
'set line 0'
'draw recf 0.5 10.6 2.1 11.0'
* Define Thickness
'set lev 1000'
'set t '_t1' '_t2
'define thk1 = (z5-z10)/10'
* Next Panel: 1000-500 thickness
p = p - 1
'set parea 'panel.p
'set gxout line'
'set vpage off'
'set grads off'
'set grid on'
'set xlab on'
'set ylab on'
vrng(thk1, thk1)
'set ccolor 5'
'set cmark 4'
'set t '_t1' '_t2
'd thk1'
* Draw a rectangle over the x-axis labels
xlo = subwrd(panel.p,1)
xhi = subwrd(panel.p,2)
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
'set line 0'
'draw recf 'xlo-0.4' 'ylo-0.8' 'xhi+0.4' 'ylo-0.02
* Next Panel: Stability Indices
p = p - 1
'set parea 'panel.p
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
ymid = ylo + (yhi-ylo)/2
'set t '_t1' '_t2
'set lev 1000'
'define rh8 = rhum(lev=850)'
'define t8 = t(lev=850)'
'define t5 = t(lev=500)'
'set vpage off'
'set grads off'
'set grid on'
'set xlab on'
'set gxout bar'
'set barbase 40'
'set bargap 50'
'define toto = 1/(1/t8-log(rh8*0.01)*461/2.5e6)-t5*2+t8'
'set axlim 11 69'
'set yaxis 11 69 10'
'set ccolor 8'
'set t '_t1' '_t2
'set grid on'
'd (toto-40+abs(toto-40))*0.5+40'
'set grid off'
'set ccolor 7'
'd (toto-40-abs(toto-40))*0.5+40'
* draw a rectangle over 'toto' yaxis labels
'set line 0'
'draw recf 0.2 'ylo' 1.175 'yhi-0.07
* Lifted Index
'set gxout line'
'set grid off'
'set vrange 6 -6'
'set yaxis 7 -7 2'
'set ccolor 2'
'set cstyle 3'
'set cmark 7'
'set cmax 0'
'set datawarn off'
'd li'
* draw a zero line
'set ccolor 15'
'set cmark 0'
'set cstyle 3'
'd const(li,0)'
* Draw a rectangle over the x-axis labels
xlo = subwrd(panel.p,1)
xhi = subwrd(panel.p,2)
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
'set line 0'
'draw recf 'xlo-0.4' 'ylo-0.8' 'xhi+0.4' 'ylo-0.02
* Next Panel: SLP
'define slp = slp*0.01'
p = p - 1
'set parea 'panel.p
'set vpage off'
'set lon 'hilon
'set lat 'hilat
'set grid on'
'set gxout contour'
'set ccolor 11'
'set cmark 0'
'set t '_t1' '_t2
'd slp'
* Draw a rectangle over the x-axis labels
xlo = subwrd(panel.p,1)
xhi = subwrd(panel.p,2)
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
'set line 0'
'draw recf 'xlo-0.4' 'ylo-0.8' 'xhi+0.4' 'ylo-0.02
* Next Panel: Surface Wind Speed
p = p - 1
'set parea 'panel.p
'set vpage off'
'set grads off'
if (units = 'e')
'define ubot = 2.2374*ubot'
'define vbot = 2.2374*vbot'
'define wind = mag(ubot,vbot)'
'set ccolor 26'
'set cmark 7'
'set grid on'
'set t '_t1' '_t2
'set gxout contour'
'd wind'
* Draw a rectangle over the x-axis labels
xlo = subwrd(panel.p,1)
xhi = subwrd(panel.p,2)
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
'set line 0'
'draw recf 'xlo-0.4' 'ylo-0.8' 'xhi+0.4' 'ylo-0.02
* Next Panel: 2m Temperatures and Indices
p = p - 1
'set parea 'panel.p
'set vpage off'
'set frame on'
'set grads off'
'set ylab on'
'set gxout line'
'set grid off'
if (units = 'e')
'define t2mc = const((t2m-273.16),0,-u)'
'define t2m = const((t2m-273.16)*9/5+32,0,-u)'
'define dewpt =
'define dewpt = dewpt*9/5+32'
'define t2mf = const((t2m-273.16)*1.8+32,0,-u)'
'define t2m = const((t2m-273.16),0,-u)'
'define dewpt =
'set t '_t1' '_t2
if (units = 'e')
'set ylint 10'
'set gxout linefill'
expr = 't2m;const(t2m'
'set lfcols 9 0' ; 'd 'expr',-60,-a)'
'set lfcols 9 0' ; 'd 'expr',-60,-a)'
'set lfcols 14 0' ; 'd 'expr',-10,-a)'
'set lfcols 4 0' ; 'd 'expr',0,-a)'
'set lfcols 11 0' ; 'd 'expr',10,-a)'
'set lfcols 5 0' ; 'd 'expr',20,-a)'
'set lfcols 13 0' ; 'd 'expr',30,-a)'
'set lfcols 3 0' ; 'd 'expr',40,-a)'
'set lfcols 10 0' ; 'd 'expr',50,-a)'
'set lfcols 7 0' ; 'd 'expr',60,-a)'
'set lfcols 12 0' ; 'd 'expr',70,-a)'
'set lfcols 8 0' ; 'd 'expr',80,-a)'
'set lfcols 2 0' ; 'd 'expr',90,-a)'
'set lfcols 6 0' ; 'd 'expr',100,-a)'
'set gxout line'
'set ccolor 15'
'set cstyle 3'
'set cmark 0'
'd t2m'
'set ylint 5'
'set gxout linefill'
expr = 't2m;const(t2m'
'set lfcols 9 0' ; 'd 'expr',-60,-a)'
'set lfcols 14 0' ; 'd 'expr',-25,-a)'
'set lfcols 4 0' ; 'd 'expr',-20,-a)'
'set lfcols 11 0' ; 'd 'expr',-15,-a)'
'set lfcols 5 0' ; 'd 'expr',-10,-a)'
'set lfcols 13 0' ; 'd 'expr',-5,-a)'
'set lfcols 3 0' ; 'd 'expr',0,-a)'
'set lfcols 10 0' ; 'd 'expr',5,-a)'
'set lfcols 7 0' ; 'd 'expr',10,-a)'
'set lfcols 12 0' ; 'd 'expr',15,-a)'
'set lfcols 8 0' ; 'd 'expr',20,-a)'
'set lfcols 2 0' ; 'd 'expr',25,-a)'
'set lfcols 6 0' ; 'd 'expr',30,-a)'
'set gxout line'
'set ccolor 15'
'set cstyle 3'
'set cmark 0'
'd t2m'
'set grid on'
'set cmark 8'
'set ccolor 2'
'd t2m'
'set ccolor 97'
'set cmark 9'
'd dewpt'
* Draw a rectangle over the x-axis labels
xlo = subwrd(panel.p,1)
xhi = subwrd(panel.p,2)
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
'set line 0'
'draw recf 'xlo-0.4' 'ylo-0.8' 'xhi+0.4' 'ylo-0.02
* Back up to Previous Panel: 10m Wind Vectors
p = p + 1
'set parea 'panel.p
'set ccolor 1'
lap1 = hilat + 0.1
lam1 = hilat - 0.1
'set lon 'hilon ;* ??
'set lat 'lam1' 'lap1
'set frame off'
'set grid off'
'set gxout vector'
'set xyrev on'
'set xlab off'
'set ylab off'
if (units = 'e')
'd 2.2374*ugrd10m.1;2.2374*vgrd10m.1'
'd ugrd10m.1;vgrd10m.1'
* Reset dimension and graphics parameters
'set lat 'hilat
'set lon 'hilon
'set vpage off'
'set frame on'
'set grads off'
'set ylab on'
'set xlab on'
'set gxout line'
'set grid off'
* Skip to Next Panel: 2m Relative Humidity
p = p - 2
'set parea 'panel.p
*'set vpage off'
*'set grads off'
'set gxout linefill'
'set lfcols 20 0' ; 'd rh2m;const(rh2m,00.01,-a)'
'set lfcols 21 0' ; 'd rh2m;const(rh2m,20.01,-a)'
'set lfcols 22 0' ; 'd rh2m;const(rh2m,30.01,-a)'
'set lfcols 23 0' ; 'd rh2m;const(rh2m,40.01,-a)'
'set lfcols 24 0' ; 'd rh2m;const(rh2m,50.01,-a)'
'set lfcols 25 0' ; 'd rh2m;const(rh2m,60.01,-a)'
'set lfcols 26 0' ; 'd rh2m;const(rh2m,70.01,-a)'
'set lfcols 27 0' ; 'd rh2m;const(rh2m,80.01,-a)'
'set lfcols 28 0' ; 'd rh2m;const(rh2m,90.01,-a)'
'set ccolor 28'
'set gxout line'
'set grid on'
'set cmark 2'
'd rh2m'
* Draw a rectangle over the x-axis labels
xlo = subwrd(panel.p,1)
xhi = subwrd(panel.p,2)
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
'set line 0'
'draw recf 'xlo-0.4' 'ylo-0.8' 'xhi+0.4' 'ylo-0.02
* Next Panel: 850hPa Temperature
'define T850 = T850-273.15'
p = p - 1
'set parea 'panel.p
'set vpage off'
'set lon 'hilon
'set lat 'hilat
'set grid on'
'set gxout contour'
'set ccolor 9'
'set cmark 3'
'set t '_t1' '_t2
'd T850'
* Draw a rectangle over the x-axis labels
xlo = subwrd(panel.p,1)
xhi = subwrd(panel.p,2)
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
'set line 0'
'draw recf 'xlo-0.4' 'ylo-0.8' 'xhi+0.4' 'ylo-0.02
* Next Panel: 0°C
*'define zero = zero'
p = p - 1
'set parea 'panel.p
'set vpage off'
'set lon 'hilon
'set lat 'hilat
'set grid on'
'set gxout contour'
'set ccolor 4'
'set cmark 5'
'set t '_t1' '_t2
'd zero'
* Draw a rectangle over the x-axis labels
*xlo = subwrd(panel.p,1)
*xhi = subwrd(panel.p,2)
*ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
*yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
*'set line 0'
*'draw recf 'xlo-0.4' 'ylo-0.8' 'xhi+0.4' 'ylo-0.02
* Next Panel: Soil Moisture
*p = p - 1
*'set parea 'panel.p
*'define sm = const(sm,0,-u)'
*'set t 1'
*'d sm(t=1)'
*sm1 = subwrd(result,4)
*'set t '_t1' '_t2
*'define ss = sm(t-1)/4 + sm/2 + sm(t+1)/4'
*if (units = 'e')
* 'define runoff = const(runoff,0,-u)/25.4'
* 'define dsoilm = (ss-ss(t-1))*39.37*1.9'
* 'define runoff = const(runoff,0,-u)'
* 'define dsoilm = (ss-ss(t-1))*1000*1.9'
*'set vpage off'
*'set t '_t1+0.5' '_t2+0.5
*'set gxout bar'
*'set barbase 0'
*'set bargap 20'
*'set ccolor 5'
*'set grid on'
*'d runoff'
*'set grid on'
*'set ccolor 96'
*'set bargap 60'
*'d dsoilm'
* Draw a rectangle over the x-axis labels
xlo = subwrd(panel.p,1)
xhi = subwrd(panel.p,2)
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
'set line 0'
'draw recf 'xlo-0.4' 'ylo-0.8' 'xhi+0.4' 'ylo-0.02
* Final Panel: Precipitation
p = p - 1
'set parea 'panel.p
'set vpage off'
'set grid on'
'set grads off'
'define ptot = 0.5*(pt+abs(pt))'
'define pconv = 0.5*(pc+abs(pc))'
if (units = 'e')
'define ptot = const(ptot,0,-u)/25.4'
'define pconv = const(pconv,0,-u)/25.4'
'define ptot = const(ptot,0,-u)'
'define pconv = const(pconv,0,-u)'
* Get Total Precipitation Range
'set gxout stat'
'd ptot'
data = sublin(result,8)
pmx = subwrd(data,5)
if (units = 'e')
if (pmx < 0.05)
pmx = 0.0499
pmx = pmx + (0.05*pmx)
if (pmx < 1.0)
pmx = 0.99
pmx = pmx + (0.05*pmx)
'set vrange 0 'pmx
incr = 0.01 * (math_nint(100*pmx/5))
'set ylint 'incr
'set t '_t1+0.5' '_t2+0.5
* Rain (Total Precipitation)
'set gxout bar'
'set barbase 0'
'set bargap 50'
'set ccolor 42'
'd ptot'
* Snow
'set ccolor 44'
'd ptot*csnow'
* Sleet (Freezing Rain)
'set ccolor 45'
'd ptot*cfrzr'
* Ice Pellets
'set ccolor 46'
'd ptot*cicep'
* Convective Precipitation
'set gxout bar'
'set bargap 80'
'set ccolor 2'
'd pconv'
* Draw all the Y-axis labels
* First panel
'set line 21' ; 'draw recf 0.4 7.65 0.62 8.18'
'set line 22' ; 'draw recf 0.4 7.65 0.59 8.18'
'set line 23' ; 'draw recf 0.4 7.65 0.56 8.18'
'set line 25' ; 'draw recf 0.4 7.65 0.53 8.18'
'set line 26' ; 'draw recf 0.4 7.65 0.50 8.18'
'set line 33' ; 'draw recf 0.4 7.65 0.47 8.18'
'set line 34' ; 'draw recf 0.4 7.65 0.44 8.18'
'set strsiz 0.07 0.10'
'set string 0 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.5 7.93 RH (%)'
'set string 2 l 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.5 8.36 T'
'set string 8 l 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.5 8.43 e'
'set string 5 l 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.5 8.50 m'
'set string 4 l 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.5 8.62 p'
'set string 9 l 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.5 8.69 .'
if (units = 'e')
'set strsiz 0.07 0.10'
'set string 2 l 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.5 8.79 (F)'
'set string 1 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.5 9.53 Wind (mph)'
'set strsiz 0.07 0.10'
'set string 2 l 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.5 8.79 (C)'
'set string 1 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.5 9.53 Wind (m/s)'
'set strsiz 0.07 0.10'
'draw string 0.75 8.63 `1 (hPa)'
* Next Panel
'set strsiz 0.07 0.10'
p = npanels - 1
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
ymid = ylo + (yhi-ylo)/2
'set string 5 c 3 90'
'draw string 0.5 'ymid' Thickness'
'draw string 0.3 'ymid' 1000-500mb'
'set string 1 c 3 90'
'draw string 0.74 'ymid' (dm)'
* Next Panel
p = p - 1
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
ymid = ylo + (yhi-ylo)/2
'set string 8 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.15 'ymid' Total-totals'
* Total-Totals Y-axis Legend
'set strsiz 0.07 0.10'
'set string 15 r 3 0' ; 'draw string 0.45 'ymid' 40'
'set string 7 r 3 0' ; 'draw string 0.45 'ymid-0.133' 30'
'set string 7 r 3 0' ; 'draw string 0.45 'ymid-0.266' 20'
'set string 8 r 3 0' ; 'draw string 0.45 'ymid+0.133' 50'
'set string 8 r 3 0' ; 'draw string 0.45 'ymid+0.266' 60'
'set strsiz 0.07 0.10'
'set string 2 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.69 'ymid' Lifted Index'
* Next Panel
p = p - 1
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
ymid = ylo + (yhi-ylo)/2
'set string 11 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.3 'ymid' SLP'
'set string 1 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.6 'ymid' (hPa)'
* Next Panel
p = p - 1
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
ymid = ylo + (yhi-ylo)/2
'set string 26 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.15 'ymid' 10m Wind'
'set string 26 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.35 'ymid' Speed'
'set string 1 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.55 'ymid' & Vectors'
if (units = 'e')
'draw string 0.75 'ymid' (mph)'
'draw string 0.75 'ymid' (m/s)'
* Next Panel
p = p - 1
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
ymid = ylo + (yhi-ylo)/2
'set string 2 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.15 'ymid' 2m Temp '
'set string 97 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.35 'ymid' 2m DewPt '
*'set string 31 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.35 'ymid' Wind Chill'
*'set string 30 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.55 'ymid' Heat Index'
if (units = 'e')
'set string 1 c 3 90'
'draw string 0.75 'ymid' (F)'
'set string 1 c 3 90'
'draw string 0.75 'ymid' (C)'
* Next Panel
p = p - 1
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
ymid = ylo + (yhi-ylo)/2
'set string 26 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.35 'ymid' 2m RH'
'set string 1 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.75 'ymid' (%)'
* Next Panel
p = p - 1
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
ymid = ylo + (yhi-ylo)/2
'set string 9 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.35 'ymid' 850hPa Temp'
'set string 1 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.75 'ymid' (C)'
* Next Panel
p = p - 1
ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
ymid = ylo + (yhi-ylo)/2
'set string 4 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.3 'ymid' 0C isotherm'
'set string 1 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.6 'ymid' (m)'
* Next Panel
*p = p - 1
*ylo = subwrd(panel.p,3)
*yhi = subwrd(panel.p,4)
*ymid = ylo + (yhi-ylo)/2
*'set string 5 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.35 'ymid' Runoff'
*'set string 96 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.55 'ymid' `3d`0[Soil Moist]'
*if (units = 'e')
* 'set string 1 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.75 'ymid' (in)'
* 'set string 1 c 3 90' ; 'draw string 0.75 'ymid' (mm)'
* Bottom Panel
dt = 6
if (units = 'e')
'set string 1 l 3 90' ; 'draw string .85 0.4 'dt'hr Precip (in)'
'set string 1 l 3 90' ; 'draw string .85 0.4 'dt'hr Precip (mm)'
'set string 42 r 3 0' ; 'draw string 0.7 1.3 Total/Rain'
'set string 2 r 3 0' ; 'draw string 0.7 1.1 Convective'
'set string 45 r 3 0' ; 'draw string 0.7 0.9 Frzg. Rain'
'set string 44 r 3 0' ; 'draw string 0.7 0.7 Snow'
'set string 46 r 3 0' ; 'draw string 0.7 0.5 Ice Pellets'
* Draw Labels at the top of the page
'set string 4 r 1 0'
'set strsiz 0.10 .10'
label = 'GFS 0-240hr Forecast Meteogram for ('
if (hilon < 0) ; label = label%hilon*(-1.0)'W, ' ; endif
if (hilon >= 0) ; label = label%hilon'E, ' ; endif
if (hilat < 0) ; label = label%hilat*(-1.0)'S)'; endif
if (hilat >= 0) ; label = label%hilat'N)' ; endif
'draw string 6.7 10.90 'label
'set string 15 r 1 0'
'draw string 5.50 10.70 (C) www.centrometeo.com'
'set line 0'
'draw recf 0.5 0 3.95 0.08'
* Draw the station label
'set strsiz 0.12 0.18'
'set string 21 l 12 0' ; 'draw string 0.12 10.79 `1'name
'set string 1 l 8 0' ; 'draw string 0.10 10.81 `1'name
* Remove the dummy files
'!rm -f dummy.ctl'
'!rm -f dummy.dat'
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
function setcols(args)
'set rgb 20 234 245 234'
'set rgb 21 200 215 200'
'set rgb 22 160 205 160'
'set rgb 23 120 215 120'
'set rgb 24 80 235 80'
'set rgb 25 0 255 0'
'set rgb 26 0 195 0'
'set rgb 27 0 160 0'
'set rgb 28 0 125 0'
'set rgb 30 255 160 120'
'set rgb 31 160 120 255'
'set rgb 32 160 180 205'
'set rgb 33 0 200 255'
'set rgb 34 0 100 255'
'set rgb 42 32 208 32'
'set rgb 43 208 32 208'
'set rgb 44 64 64 255'
'set rgb 45 255 120 32'
'set rgb 46 32 208 208'
'set rgb 47 240 240 0'
'set rgb 96 139 115 85'
'set rgb 97 100 100 100'
'set rgb 98 64 64 96'
'set rgb 99 254 254 254'
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
function vrng(f1,f2)
'set gxout stat'
'd 'f1
data = sublin(result,8)
ymx = subwrd(data,5)
ymn = subwrd(data,4)
'd 'f2
data = sublin(result,8)
zmx = subwrd(data,5)
zmn = subwrd(data,4)
if (zmx > ymx) ; ymx = zmx ; endif
if (zmn < ymn) ; ymn = zmn ; endif
dy = ymx-ymn
ymx = ymx + 0.08 * dy
ymn = ymn - 0.08 * dy
if ((ymx-ymn)/2.2 < 1)
incr = (ymx-ymn)/4
incr = 0.01 * (math_nint(100*incr))
incr = math_nint((ymx-ymn)/4)
'set vrange 'ymn' 'ymx
'set ylint 'incr
*say 'vrng: 'ymn' 'ymx' 'incr
if (ymn=0 & ymx=0 & incr=0)
* say 'vrng: resetting zeros to -.9 .9 1'
'set vrange -.9 .9'
'set ylint 1'
'set gxout line'
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
function rh2vrng(f1)
'set gxout stat'
'd 'f1
data = sublin(result,8)
ymn = subwrd(data,4)
ymx = subwrd(data,5)
if (ymn < 20)
miny = 0
'set ylevs 20 40 60 80'
if (ymn >= 20 & ymn < 30)
miny = 20
'set ylevs 30 50 70 90'
if (ymn >= 30 & ymn < 40)
miny = 30
'set ylevs 40 50 60 70 80 90'
if (ymn >= 40 & ymn < 50)
miny = 40
'set ylevs 50 60 70 80 90'
if (ymn >= 50 & ymn < 60)
miny = 50
'set ylevs 60 70 80 90'
if (ymn >= 60)
miny = 60
'set ylevs 70 80 90'
'set vrange 'miny' 'ymx+3
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
function getctl(handle)
line = 1
found = 0
while (!found)
info = sublin(_ctl,line)
if (subwrd(info,1)=handle)
_handle = info
found = 1
line = line + 1
return _handle
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
function getgrid(dodsvar,myvar)
'set lon '_xdim
'set lat '_ydim
'set lev '_zgrd
'set time '_tdim
* Write the variable to a file
'set gxout fwrite'
'set fwrite dummy.dat'
'd 'dodsvar
'disable fwrite'
* Write a descriptor file
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'dset ^dummy.dat')
rc = write(dummy.ctl,_undef,append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'xdef 1 linear 1 1',append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'ydef 1 linear 1 1',append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,_zdef,append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,_tdef,append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'vars 1',append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'dummy '_newzsize' -999 dummy',append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'endvars',append)
rc = close (dummy.ctl)
* Open the dummy file, define variable, close dummy file
'open dummy.ctl'
line = sublin(result,2)
dummyfile = subwrd(line,8)
'set dfile 'dummyfile
'set lon 1'
'set lat 1'
'set lev '_zbot' '_ztop
'set time '_time1' '_time2
'define 'myvar' = dummy.'dummyfile
'close 'dummyfile
'set dfile 1'
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
function getetarh(dodsvar,myvar)
* swap out original pressure vars
tmpzgrd = _zgrd
tmpzdef = _zdef
tmpzbot = _zbot
tmpztop = _ztop
tmpzsize = _newzsize
* retrieve rh data over the rh pressure range
_zgrd = _rhzgrd
_zdef = _trhzdef
_ztop = _rhztop
_zbot = _rhzbot
_newzsize = _trhzsize
* swap in original pressure vars
_zgrd = tmpzgrd
_zdef = tmpzdef
_zbot = tmpzbot
_ztop = tmpztop
_newzsize = tmpzsize
'set lon '_xdim
'set lat '_ydim
'set lev '_rhzgrd
'set time '_tdim
* Write the variable to a file
'set gxout fwrite'
'set fwrite dummy.dat'
t = _t1
while (t <= _t2)
'set t 't
z = 1
while (z <= _newrhzsize)
level = subwrd(_rhlevs,z)
'set lev 'level
'd tmprh'
z = z + 1
t = t + 1
'disable fwrite'
* Write a descriptor file
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'dset ^dummy.dat')
rc = write(dummy.ctl,_undef,append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'xdef 1 linear 1 1',append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'ydef 1 linear 1 1',append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,_rhzdef,append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,_tdef,append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'vars 1',append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'dummy '_newrhzsize' -999 dummy',append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'endvars',append)
rc = close (dummy.ctl)
* Open the dummy file, define variable, close dummy file
'open dummy.ctl'
line = sublin(result,2)
dummyfile = subwrd(line,8)
'set dfile 'dummyfile
'set lon 1'
'set lat 1'
'set lev '_rhzbot' '_rhztop
'set time '_time1' '_time2
'q dims'
'define 'myvar' = dummy.'dummyfile
'close 'dummyfile
'set dfile 1'
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
function getseries(dodsvar,myvar,level)
'set lon '_xdim
'set lat '_ydim
'set lev 'level' 'level
'set time '_tdim
* Write the variable to a file
'set fwrite dummy.dat'
'set gxout fwrite'
'd 'dodsvar
'disable fwrite'
* Write a descriptor file
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'dset ^dummy.dat')
rc = write(dummy.ctl,_undef,append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'xdef 1 linear 1 1',append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'ydef 1 linear 1 1',append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'zdef 1 linear 1 1',append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,_tdef,append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'vars 1',append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'dummy 0 -999 dummy',append)
rc = write(dummy.ctl,'endvars',append)
rc = close(dummy.ctl)
* Open the dummy file, define variable, close dummy file
'open dummy.ctl'
line = sublin(result,2)
dummyfile = subwrd(line,8)
'set dfile 'dummyfile
'set lon 1'
'set lat 1'
'set lev 'level
'set time '_time1' '_time2
'define 'myvar' = dummy.'dummyfile
'close 'dummyfile
'set dfile 1'
'set gxout contour'
-------------- next part --------------
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