[gradsusr] 回复: ??? OpenGrADS 2.2.1 for Windows: Available for Testing

weather.man weather.man at aliyun.com
Fri Feb 22 00:06:42 EST 2019

Hi Bruno Couto
I found the same problem. 
Not only the backspace key, but also the arrow keys.

发件人:Bruno Couto <bcouto at novaenergia.com.br>
发送时间:2019年2月22日(星期五) 02:42
收件人:gradsusr <gradsusr at gradsusr.org>
主 题:Re: [gradsusr] ??? OpenGrADS 2.2.1 for Windows: Available for Testing

First of all I’d like to thank Mr. Arlindo for the excelent job done in opengrads. Secondly, I’d like to report a small inconsistency in opengrads terminal. The backspace command isn’t working properly I don’t have any clue why.
Bruno Couto
[cid:image013.png at 01D235C4.41E478C0]

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